Holiday nightmare - legal advice help please!

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And I disagree.

That's fine. That's your prerogative.

I have a lot of time for your particular sense of humour Mawsley and I appreciate your often irreverent, off the wall comments. I also realise that you have a serious side as well. If you are being serious in suggesting that leaving young children alone at night whilst on a foreign holiday is comparable to the chances you take when driving a car then I still insist you are very very wrong.

Anyway, back to the football........................ :icon_wink
I have a lot of time for your particular sense of humour Mawsley and I appreciate your often irreverent, off the wall comments. I also realise that you have a serious side as well. If you are being serious in suggesting that leaving young children alone at night whilst on a foreign holiday is comparable to the chances you take when driving a car then I still insist you are very very wrong.

You're right, of course. The two things are not comparable. Many more people have road accidents, many more are seriously injured in road accidents, many more parents and many more children are killed in road accidents than are harmed by being left alone whilst they are on a foreign holiday.
You're right, of course. The two things are not comparable. Many more people have road accidents, many more are seriously injured in road accidents, many more parents and many more children are killed in road accidents than are harmed by being left alone whilst they are on a foreign holiday.

Yes, I accept that, but unless you give up travelling in a car or venturing near to a road all you can do is drive carefully, be aware of other twats and do your best to minimise the risk.

Leaving young children alone is TAKING a risk rather than minimising a risk.
It would be an action relating to misrepresentation. If you have enough evidence you relied on those representations and would never have entered into the contract if they hadn't been made, they you may have a claim. However it depends how strong your evidence is etc.

I have concrete evidence of the charges in that the hotel was expecting the overall cost (including the agents fees) to be 1520 euros.

What I was actually charged was close to 2700 euros as the expected agents fees were 50% rather than 15%. If therefore I am expecting to get a cottage worth 2700 euros and I get one worth 1520 is that not misrepresentation?

They also told me it had a bath which it didn't which meant I couldn't bath my 17 month old son (showers are not recommended for babies). I was also unaware that as I opted out of paying for breakfast up front to the agent (17 euros as opposed to 12 direct with the hotel) they would not clean our rooms at all.

That is the main thrust of it, what do you think DD?
I have concrete evidence of the charges in that the hotel was expecting the overall cost (including the agents fees) to be 1520 euros.

What I was actually charged was close to 2700 euros as the expected agents fees were 50% rather than 15%. If therefore I am expecting to get a cottage worth 2700 euros and I get one worth 1520 is that not misrepresentation?

They also told me it had a bath which it didn't which meant I couldn't bath my 17 month old son (showers are not recommended for babies). I was also unaware that as I opted out of paying for breakfast up front to the agent (17 euros as opposed to 12 direct with the hotel) they would not clean our rooms at all.

That is the main thrust of it, what do you think DD?

Get yourself a proper lawyer. :icon_wink
If you are being serious in suggesting that leaving young children alone at night whilst on a foreign holiday is comparable to the chances you take when driving a car then I still insist you are very very wrong.

Nope. I never said that.

Using the USA as an example (because the stats came out of Google first:

About 260,000 children are abducted every year in the United States of America. Of these child abduction only about 115 result in very serious consequences, like injury or death.
The number of children reported missing in the U.S is about 800,000 every year. But this figure can be misleading, as it includes many trivial incidents like overstaying with a parent.
Break up of child abduction statistics
800,000 children are reported missing every year. That is about two children every day.
Of the children reported missing, 350,000 are family abductions. That is, they are taken away by family members in violation of custody agreements.
Non – family abductions amount to 204,000. These include kidnappers who are acquaintances or complete strangers to the victims.
Only 115 of non-family abductions are stereotypical abductions, defined as those in which a child is detained overnight, transported atleast 50 miles, held for ransom or intended to be kept permanently or killed.
The rest of the 800,000 missing cases include runaways, throwaways, or lost children.
Family child abductions
In 16% of family abductions, the child experiences severe mental harm.
8% of the children experience physical harm.
7% of the children are sexually abused.
Mothers take the child away 46% of the time.
Fathers take the child away 54% of the time.
Non-Family child abductions
More than 65% of the children abducted by non-family members are girls.
46% of children are sexually abused.
31% of the children are physically abused.
32% of abductions take place in a street or a car and 25% take place in a park or a wooded area.
The top 3 places an abductor imprisons the child are – a car, the abductor’s home and the abductor’s building.
Most abductions are carried out within a quarter of a mile of the child’s home.
75% of the abductors are male.
67% of them are below 29 years of age.
Stereotypical kidnappings
40% of children in stereotypical kidnappings are killed.
4% of children are never found.
79% kidnappings are carried out by strangers and 21% by acquaintances.
Nearly 75% of the parents in U.S fear that their children might become victims of abduction.

With a child population of around 74 million that means only 0.3% are involved in any type of abduction.

115 in 74,000,000 come to serious harm. That's the same probability as me having the opportunity to bust a load over Anna Friel's be-speckled tits.

Now if that was one of my kids I'd be a tad miffed - but the chances of it happening are so remote as to be negligible.

My kids are growing up as free of the restrictions the fear-driven media would like to thrust upon us as I can possibly manage. They play with knives, camp out on their own and have been known to pull stupid faces as the wind changes direction.

...and despite being left alone in hotel rooms, holiday cottages and tents they continue to remain alive.
Bollocks was it, unless the entire concept of reductio ad absurdum is an anathema to you.

It's all your fault you know. If you were consistent instead of posting a mixture of serious and frivolous posts then everybody would know where they stood :icon_bigg
I just wish she'd stop wearing the strap-on.

In fairness, it's *probably better than some stranger ****ing you with it

*Of course, this isn't a guarantee
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In fairness, it's *probably better than some stranger ****ing you with it

Nope - because when that happens I'm always off my tits.

Waking up in the cold light of an early morning public toilet, surrounded by a pool of semen, isn't so much fun though.
Nope - because when that happens I'm always off my tits.

Waking up in the cold light of an early morning public toilet, surrounded by a pool of semen, isn't so much fun though.

Well, at least you know that you're sexaaay enough to make them cum
Get yourself a proper lawyer. :icon_wink

That is very good advice.
The other advice I would give is to try and avoid acting or saying anything that can be used to show you behaved badly at any time. Do not give the hotel or the agent any weapon to use against you. Anger is a bad adviser. Keep calm, act reasonably and write everything down.

I hope you get satidfaction. People need holidays and it is unpleasant when they turn out to be stressful.
Get yourself a proper lawyer. :icon_wink

Oi ! I'll get there one day !

But I agree with what Davie said. Keep written records of events and all the evidence of them misrepresenting and go see a solicitor when you get back if it's not resolved. A consultation will give you a clearer picture whether you got a decent case and then you can decide if you want to proceed. Plus if the evidence is overwhelmingly in your favour it will be settled out of court as long as they're not real stubborn hits !
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