How Crap Is our Manager???

Would you like to take on Hart as youth manager?

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Please take our manager on at your club, he's shite! Make him you assistant or something, just don't force us to keep him!

And just look how shite he is at interviews. Who can make the most realistic Paul Hart interview here? Does Micky Adams have any cliches? Maybe someone could develop a 'Adamsisms' version of the Interactive Interview?
Genrally Adams is knowen for just making Nev (the local commentator) look like a total fool.

Apparently because he once gave him a 3 when he played for the dirty C*v scum. He reconed you got two for putting on your shirt.
I did think that then I found out he's spent the most in division one! And the player's we have got are okay. Dawson, Reidy, Louis Jean etc. But Gareth Taylor takes the piss. Paul Hart can't make good signings!
I just wish he would sign Jonesy
forestfan2003 said:
I did think that then I found out he's spent the most in division one! And the player's we have got are okay. Dawson, Reidy, Louis Jean etc. But Gareth Taylor takes the piss. Paul Hart can't make good signings!

Agreed! The only reason you do alright is because you have two amazing players, Reid and Dawson can go right to the top and when they do, you'll be fcuked. Get rid of Hart asap.
Malf said:
forestfan2003 said:
I did think that then I found out he's spent the most in division one! And the player's we have got are okay. Dawson, Reidy, Louis Jean etc. But Gareth Taylor takes the piss. Paul Hart can't make good signings!

Agreed! The only reason you do alright is because you have two amazing players, Reid and Dawson can go right to the top and when they do, you'll be fcuked. Get rid of Hart asap.

Have a Hart lads. I preferred Hart Beat - Morph was a legend.
Malf, are you Morph? His friend was Charlie :lol:
Hey, if i gote enough forest fans together would you lot consider having a big debate against sme forest fans on that sites message board? It could be fun. My mate runs that site and he needs more forum visitors so it would help.

I know he wouldn't mind LCFC fans either. He hates Derby and says he like LCFC being the bestteam in the East Midlands and that they are his 2nd team. Can't think why though. :(


On second thoughts, forget that they dont work.
forestfan2003 said:
Hey, if i gote enough forest fans together would you lot consider having a big debate against sme forest fans on that sites message board? It could be fun. My mate runs that site and he needs more forum visitors so it would help.

I know he wouldn't mind LCFC fans either. He hates Derby and says he like LCFC being the bestteam in the East Midlands and that they are his 2nd team. Can't think why though. :(


On second thoughts, forget that they dont work.

I hope Forest keep Hart, because their going backwards. Once they sell both Reid and Dawson, they will be fvcked big time!

Looks like Division 2 with Direby.
i never thought id say this defence of paul hart whats happening isnt really his fault. forest just have the tightest chairman ever who seems to be takin harsher than necessary steps to try to solve the financial troubles at the club. surely you could have offered better contracts to all those players who left in the summer and gambled on gettin into the prem and if u didnt u cud of sold reid and dawson for a decent amount of cash and hav been no worse off.

forest fans have got to accept that last season u had a squad easily good enough to make the play offs, this season u have nowhere near that and if u manage a top 6 finish it will hav been a fantastic achievement.
Hart did a great job for them last season - They certainly overachieved. Dawson and Reid will certainly be off sooner rather than later, and they haven't got the players to replace them.

Forest are just a mediocre first division club, and that doesn't look likely to change for a long time. They've sold their best strikerfor a pittance, nd replaced him with someone with half the talent, for twice the price. I think they've certainly missed Scimeca. Alot of Forest fans said he was their best player of the season, and we've certainly witnessed why that was.
Definatly agree, overchieved last season.

At the end of the say your a standard scabby division one outfit and dont belong in the playoffs. ;)
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