How much time will the ball spend in the air at Leicester ?

Percentage of time the ball will be in the air

  • 99%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 98%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Hey... it's Marlon the Moron :evil:

I see you cleaned up the trophy cabinet before you pictured it...

After all, you had to get off all the Mothballs...
What a busy little wood worm you are Mr Dingle, I remember all the poncey little tri angles you tried at Filbert Way :lol: just remind me of the score will you :?: and who got promoted :?: still you can now dazzle the lower leagues with your pretty football AGAIN :lol:
Ure pretty football got you no where last season,while our hard work and determination made us second in the league...wich we actually led for a while.....something that forest can only dream of!

promotion feels sooo sweet......shame you'll never taste it 8)
What exactly is your point marlon? The fact that we play a more direct style means what? Oh how I wish leicester had played more of a passing game last season. Then I could be looking forward to watching the likes of walsall, crystal palace, wimbledon and the like!!
I'd rather watch Forest in the 1st than your hoofball in the Premiership.

Ugly team, ugly city, ugly stadium, ugly football.

I nearly feel sorry for you, nevermind. :(
Marlon said:
I'd rather watch Forest in the 1st (

Well there you go, we have something in common.

Actually I wouldn't mind if you did get promoted :roll: We could stuff you in the premier and have another team below us.
I smell a whif of jealousy from Marlon

I think our freind from that small town quite close to derby is slightly jealous of CITY's regained superior status and standing in the English Football Ladder.

He made several points:

Ugly Team: hmmm, yeah whats your point???? good looks don't win football matches! anyway muzzy, walker, stewart, nalis, gillespie, ain't that bad looking (i aint gay or nowt)

Ugly Stadium: PPPUUULEEEEAAAASEEE!!! Major case of envy there! This point made by a man who's team plays its football (if thats what you call it) in a small riverside marsh pit surrounded on either side by 4 metal lumps of complete and utter shite.

Ugly City: It's no worse than your town. i've been to nottingham a few times, and always avoid going their too often. When I think of Nottingham, i think Ice Rink, Gun Crime, Scum, Inbreeding.

Ugly football: We may play ugly football, but i will always be satisfied when i look at the football tables and see us in the Premiership and your sorry asses lingering in the first division.

I really feel sorry for Notts County, having to share a city with The Trees
I've just been readin all this shit that this Forest wankker has been putting on here! whats the beef kid? why the hell are u wasting ur time doin stuff like this?? aint u got nefin better 2 do than go on 2 other teams forums and pathetically abuse them with comments that are untrue and fcukin shit!! ur an absolute twaaaaaaaaaat and u know it, now why dont u go and do something useful like tryin 2 eat ur own face!!

he's in a secure unit wallowing in his own shit gotta pass the time somehow or the voices will come back!!!!!!!!!

100 posts .......get in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Malf said:
I've just been readin all this shit that this Forest wankker has been putting on here! whats the beef kid? why the hell are u wasting ur time doin stuff like this?? aint u got nefin better 2 do than go on 2 other teams forums and pathetically abuse them with comments that are untrue and fcukin shit!! ur an absolute twaaaaaaaaaat and u know it, now why dont u go and do something useful like tryin 2 eat ur own face!!

i think you mistook this message board for one of these.......


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