a) Both of the frst two posts had accusations of racism undertones, I am sure you picked up on that. If you didn't, then I admire your innocence and naivity.
b) I never once said that I find it more difficult to tell black people apart, i was responding to the following posts where the posters went on to accuse the journalist of only mistaking the players because they were black, and that they wouldn't have made the same mistake if they were white. I then explained why I thought it may be easier for the journalist to make this mistake for a black person than a white person.
c) I am comfortable with my attitude towards the colour of other peoples skin, and their cultural background. I feel at ease to use the word racism without the need to use innuendo's, double entendre's etc. The word black was used in the first post to post an obvious slur on the journalists race views. That is what prompted me to believe the first poster was accusing the journo of racism. The second post was an innuendo with the relevant smileys also accusing the journo of racism
I may have used the word racism first, but only because that was what was being accused.
Please point out where I am talking nonsense and this can all be put to bed