Thanks Season-Ticket Holders
Posted on: Fri 16 Nov 2007
Leicester City Chairman Milan Mandaric is offering a goodwill gesture to all the club's loyal season-ticket
holders this we
To ack
nowledge their valu
ed and continued support during difficult times so far this season, the Foxes owner has organised an e
xclusive 'season-ticket holder' two-day even
This Saturday and Sunday (Novem
ber 17 & 18), season-ticket holders will be able to claim up to tw
o FREE tickets for family or friends for City'
s Championship clash against Cardiff City at the Walker
s Stadium on Monday, November 26 (8pm).
ity's valued customer
s will also receive double discount - that's 20% off - all weekend in the popular City Megastore, which will also play host to players' signing sessions (maximum of two players on each day) on both days between 12noon and 2pm.
Mandaric said: "I would never have envisaged such a rollercoaster start to my tenure here at the Walkers Stadium, but despite the frustrations, the unprecedented level of support from you, the supporters, has been nothing short of magnificent.
"We have identified the Cardiff fixture as an important match and that is why I have taken the decision to give our season-tic
ket holders the opportunity to invite up to two fri
ends or family members to the
game as my guests.
"There is nothing better than a big crowd u
nder floodlights, which will hopefully provide everyone connected with the club with a huge lift.
"We simply want to help generate a great atmosphere on the evening and I know our season-ticket holders can help do that.
"At this current moment in time, we are not where we need to be, but with your continued
help and supp
ort, I remain co
nvinced that we can turn the corn
er and still make a
serious promo
tion challenge this season," he added.
To claim your free tickets for the Cardiff fixture please visit the Ticket Office on Saturday (9am to 5pm) or Sunday (10am to 4pm) or alternatively email:
[email protected] or telephone 0844 815 5000, quoting your season-ticket number.