Is this a scam?

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Motown Fox

Well-Known Member
Just had the following email from The Post Express Office
[email protected] (is durham significant?)
There was an attachment which I haven't opened. I have not sent anything to/or expecting from the U.S.A.

This is a post notification

Email notice number.64684588

Your package has been returned to the Post Express office.
The reason of the return is "Incorrect delivery address of the package"

Important message!
Attached to the letter mailing label contains the details of the package delivery.
You have to print mailing label, and come in the Post Express office in order to receive the packages!

Thank you for attention.
Post Express Support

She envied Frau Martin because of the tender affection of her husband; the tobacconists wife because she was loved by Herr Klingemann and the captain; her sister-in-law, because she was already old; Elly, because she was still young; she envied the servant, who was sitting on a plank over there with a soldier, and whom she heard laughing.She could not endure being at home any longer; She took up her straw hat and sunshade and hurried into the street. There she felt somewhat better. In her room she had been unhappy; in the street she was no more than out of humour. In the main thoroughfare she met Herr and Frau Mahlmann, to whose children she gave music lessons. Frau Mahlmann was already aware that Bertha had ordered a costume from a dressmaker in Vienna on the previous day, and she began to discuss the matter with great weightiness. Later on, Bertha met her brother-in-law, who came towards her from the chestnut avenue. She looked him in the face.

This is exactly how it arrived including the "white" bit which was "white" in the email and has left me bemused.
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Send me your bank details and I'll tell you if it's a scam.

The bit in white is there to help it get past spam filters.

Thanks Jeff. I thought there was a reason for the white bit. Still wonder what they are after as, unlike you, they havent asked for money or to send $55 or whatever to Benin like another scam I saw recently on another forum, some of the reples were quite funny though.
Thanks Jeff. I thought there was a reason for the white bit. Still wonder what they are after as, unlike you, they havent asked for money or to send $55 or whatever to Benin like another scam I saw recently on another forum, some of the reples were quite funny though.

There would normally be an attached "form" to fill in, which is really a virus.
I got home tonight and there was a message on the answer phone. It was one of those text to speech things and the message was 'hi sexciting'.:102:
Another email this time from United Parcel Service
with the email address of [email protected]

Dear customer.

The parcel was sent your home address.
And it will arrive within 3 business day.

More information and the tracking number are attached in document below.

Thank you.
© 1994-2011 United Parcel Service of America, Inc.

I wonder what is going to arrive?:102:
Another email this time from United Parcel Service
with the email address of [email protected]

I wonder what is going to arrive?:102:

Another email, saying that they haven't been able to deliver and will you please click on link that will enable you to arrange a re-delivery.
Another one me thinks.

Particularly as the email it went to is not the one I sign in to with facebook!

The "helpfull" email was from Facebook Help <[email protected]

Jeff as you mentioned on previous type emails there is a "white" bit as well

Good afternoon.

Spam is sent from your FaceBook account.

Your password has been changed for safety.

Information regarding your account and a new password is attached to the letter.
Read this information thoroughly and change the password to complicated one. :icon_bigg

Please do not reply to this email, it's automatic mail notification!

Thank you.
FaceBook Service.

On sait bien quil existe à Paris une multitude daristocrates, dagents soudoyés par les puissances; mais les lois ont pourvu à tout; on dit quelles ne sexécutent pas; mais une preuve quelles sexécutent, cest que la Convention nationale est intacte, et que, si un de ses membres a péri, il était du nombre de ceux qui ne tremblent pas.Remarquez bien que lesprit public des citoyens de Paris quon a tant calomniés.... DANTON. --Je ne dis pas que ce soit calomnier Paris que de proposer le projet de décret qui vous est présenté; mais on a calomnié Paris, en demandant une force départementale; car, dans une ville comme Paris, où la population présente une masse si imposante, la force des bons citoyens est assez grande pour terrasser les ennemis de la liberté.
Another one me thinks.

Particularly as the email it went to is not the one I sign in to with facebook!

The "helpfull" email was from Facebook Help <[email protected]

Jeff as you mentioned on previous type emails there is a "white" bit as well

Definitely - I get loads of these through to my work email address, which isnt even registered with facebook.
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