Joe says

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Well-Known Member
So we lost but..... be honest getting beat by France doesn't really matter because if you look at the group A teams, we will probably have to face either Spain or Portugal - both of which will be tough. Personally I'd like to play Portugal as I feel Spain have got this football lark sussed and will win the tournament at a canter. Portugal, although at home, are a pile of poo. We'll finish second in our group and play Spain in my opinion. I doubt we'll get past them but we'll try as we always do. If France can get held up by Croatia or Switzerland then that'll all be good but I doubt it'll happen. If you were asked who do you want to play, Spain or Portugal, then you'd probably say that you aren't bothered. They are both tough games. As they say though, you will have to play the best sides if you want to win it so hopefully getting Spain or Portugal in the quarter finals will give us some much needed practice against the better clubs. I've been bloody waffling there haven't I. Probably the most disjointed thread you will ever read, sorry lads, please forgive me, my fingers just went on a mission to type all of my thoughts about the defeat and what it means. Sorry for adding to that hangover of yours. I'll stop now.
Re: So we lost but.....

Joe_Fox said: be honest getting beat by France doesn't really matter because if you look at the group A teams, we will probably have to face either Spain or Portugal - both of which will be tough. Personally I'd like to play Portugal as I feel Spain have got this football lark sussed and will win the tournament at a canter. Portugal, although at home, are a pile of poo. We'll finish second in our group and play Spain in my opinion. I doubt we'll get past them but we'll try as we always do. If France can get held up by Croatia or Switzerland then that'll all be good but I doubt it'll happen. If you were asked who do you want to play, Spain or Portugal, then you'd probably say that you aren't bothered. They are both tough games. As they say though, you will have to play the best sides if you want to win it so hopefully getting Spain or Portugal in the quarter finals will give us some much needed practice against the better clubs. I've been bloody waffling there haven't I. Probably the most disjointed thread you will ever read, sorry lads, please forgive me, my fingers just went on a mission to type all of my thoughts about the defeat and what it means. Sorry for adding to that hangover of yours. I'll stop now.

I hope we do come second in the group. That means we will play in the second batch of quarter finals, which take place on a friday. Friday's are excellent, no work the next day and the fans in the pubs will be behind the team more which will inevitably spur them on to victory. Everyone is more vocal when they haven't got work the next day. Spain are a cracking team, but so are we. We under-estimate how good England are as we take our players for granted. But if you speak to other fans from other countries they talk very highly of some of our players.

Blow for Blow (nothing gay) England against Spain is a fair match IMO.

James v Casillas - Obviously there is no doubt James is the worst goalkeeper ever to play football and Casillas wins this by a country mile.

Neville v Puyol - Puyol had a cracking World Cup and is an extremely good player, but Gaz Neville is pretty consistent and although i'd rather have Puyol there isn't much in it between them in terms of defending.

Ashley Cole v Raul Bravo- No contest Cole pisses all over Bravo in every area, Bravo is a good player but not a patch on Cole.

Campbell v Helguera - Again England win this, Campbell is one of the best centre backs in the world and would walk in to any team. Even though Helguera gets in for Real Madrid he isn't that good IMO.

Terry v Marchena - I've not seen much of this chap, but i've watched Terry alot and he gets better everytime I see him. Terry is an awesome defender, so i'll say he's better than Marchena even though I don't actually know. He looked nothing special against Russia

Beckham v Exteberria - The Bilbao ace impressed me against Russia, but he's not a patch on Beckham. He's quick and skillful, but as an individual he can't make things happen like Beckham can.

Scholes v Vicente - Vicente was brilliant against Russia, he's an excellent player and he's had a shit hot season with Valencia. Scholes is a world class player, but has looked inconsistent for England for a year or so and on the left he offers us not much. Vicente wins this.

Gerrard v Baraja - No contest here, Steven Gerrard on his day is the complete midfielder and possibly one of the best players in the world. If he can carry his Liverpool form over to England he could win us games single handidly. Baraja is a steady player, but Gerrard makes him look an amatuer.

Lampard v Albeida - The Valecia midfielder has had a good season, but Lampard has had an even better one. Lampard doesn't seem to be scared of international football, he's playing wonderful football. I would say they are about on par with each other, but when the going gets tough I fancy Lampard to come out on top.

Owen v Raul - It's a tough choice, I would go with Raul though. Owen is a big game player though and that makes it tough, I would have Owen in any team but I also think Raul is one of the best strikers in the world. His international goals record is evidence of this, Raul scares me and he could hurt England but Terry and Campbell aren't no mugs.

Rooney v Morientes - Another tough one, but Rooney again is a big game player. Morientes will get you more goals but Rooney will inspire you on to victory and make things happen. A dead heat here, although Morientes and Raul have a formidable partnership where as Owen and Rooney aren't as potent as a pair.

Overall we are just as good, if not better than them. Both teams work well as a unit and that's our strength, I would fancy England to polish these miguels off.
Oooh ya Malf, that's a cracking post. Thanks for that matey. Also, on a different note, did I call this topic "Joe says"? I'm sure I called it "Ok, we lost but..."

It was odd to see I had called it "Joe Says" - can any moderator shed any light on this matter?
Did anyone see the match between Croatia and Switzerland? Probably the worst game I have ever seen, we'll have no problems against those 2.....

So we'll finish second and play Spain. Nice summary, Malf. :wink:
Scowcroft said:
Did anyone see the match between Croatia and Switzerland? Probably the worst game I have ever seen, we'll have no problems against those 2.....

So we'll finish second and play Spain. Nice summary, Malf. :wink:

I didn't think it was that bad a game really. Obviously it wasn't a great game but it wasn't without incident. A sending off and a bit of goalkeeping camaraderie for good measure. I'd have given it 5/10 for entertainment.
Joe_Fox said:
Oooh ya Malf, that's a cracking post. Thanks for that matey. Also, on a different note, did I call this topic "Joe says"? I'm sure I called it "Ok, we lost but..."

It was odd to see I had called it "Joe Says" - can any moderator shed any light on this matter?

I thought it was a spin-off game to Simon says, but was pleasantly surprised to see i'd already posted in it without anybody actually viweing the thread. I am glad it's been moved, sets up for a debate on our chances in the coming matches. I watched bits of the Swiss v Croats game, it looked boring. I would take two 1-0 boring wins against them teams though aslong as we get through and then the fun begins. Buckle up bitch
Joe_Fox said:
did I call this topic "Joe says"? I'm sure I called it "Ok, we lost but..."

It was odd to see I had called it "Joe Says" - can any moderator shed any light on this matter?

You didn't call it anything.

As usual you decided to post a completely off topic reply to a thread in the LCFC forum, replying to the Theo thread. So I split the thread and put it in the right place.
webmaster said:
Joe_Fox said:
did I call this topic "Joe says"? I'm sure I called it "Ok, we lost but..."

It was odd to see I had called it "Joe Says" - can any moderator shed any light on this matter?

You didn't call it anything.

As usual you decided to post a completely off topic reply to a thread in the LCFC forum, replying to the Theo thread. So I split the thread and put it in the right place.

Webmaster, thanks for clearing that up. Something went weird when I posted it, that's the god's honest truth. I wrote it and called it "Ok, we got beat but..." and tried to post it in the Euro 2004 forum but as I say, it went funny so I clicked the back button a few times and went past the "page expired" messages and then clicked refresh and resubmitted the data. I must have gone back into the Theo topic and placed it there 100% accidently. Sorry about that. Will you accept my apology?
webmaster said:
Joe_Fox said:
did I call this topic "Joe says"? I'm sure I called it "Ok, we lost but..."

It was odd to see I had called it "Joe Says" - can any moderator shed any light on this matter?

You didn't call it anything.

As usual you decided to post a completely off topic reply to a thread in the LCFC forum, replying to the Theo thread. So I split the thread and put it in the right place.

Webbo mate what did you think to my summary? Big fan or on the fence with it? Personally I think it's a good post, man for man we can do them. Vicente is the thorn in the side though, he will have Neville for breakfast.
Malf said:
webmaster said:
Joe_Fox said:
did I call this topic "Joe says"? I'm sure I called it "Ok, we lost but..."

It was odd to see I had called it "Joe Says" - can any moderator shed any light on this matter?

You didn't call it anything.

As usual you decided to post a completely off topic reply to a thread in the LCFC forum, replying to the Theo thread. So I split the thread and put it in the right place.

Webbo mate what did you think to my summary? Big fan or on the fence with it? Personally I think it's a good post, man for man we can do them. Vicente is the thorn in the side though, he will have Neville for breakfast.

It's all nice and everything but we will be playing Portugal IMO. Put that in your pipe and smoke it if you will.
Joe_Fox said:
Malf said:
webmaster said:
Joe_Fox said:
did I call this topic "Joe says"? I'm sure I called it "Ok, we lost but..."

It was odd to see I had called it "Joe Says" - can any moderator shed any light on this matter?

You didn't call it anything.

As usual you decided to post a completely off topic reply to a thread in the LCFC forum, replying to the Theo thread. So I split the thread and put it in the right place.

Webbo mate what did you think to my summary? Big fan or on the fence with it? Personally I think it's a good post, man for man we can do them. Vicente is the thorn in the side though, he will have Neville for breakfast.

It's all nice and everything but we will be playing Portugal IMO. Put that in your pipe and smoke it if you will.

Good prediction Joe, nearly as good as my Rooney prediction.
Malf said:
Joe_Fox said:
Malf said:
webmaster said:
Joe_Fox said:
did I call this topic "Joe says"? I'm sure I called it "Ok, we lost but..."

It was odd to see I had called it "Joe Says" - can any moderator shed any light on this matter?

You didn't call it anything.

As usual you decided to post a completely off topic reply to a thread in the LCFC forum, replying to the Theo thread. So I split the thread and put it in the right place.

Webbo mate what did you think to my summary? Big fan or on the fence with it? Personally I think it's a good post, man for man we can do them. Vicente is the thorn in the side though, he will have Neville for breakfast.

It's all nice and everything but we will be playing Portugal IMO. Put that in your pipe and smoke it if you will.

Good prediction Joe, nearly as good as my Rooney prediction.

Cheers Malfy, It was a good one wasn't it. I knew that'd occur. Webmeister, where is my apology?
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