No. NewsNow is not crap. Has anybody said it is? I have tried to make it clear that it is a useful resource.
It is nevertheless true that it does sometimes carry what I would call superfluous crap on its Leicester City page. Look at this group of entries from a few days ago on 4th September. I defy anybody to tell me that these items are not superfluous:
Home LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Personal Finance LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Gifts LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Health & Beauty LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Garden LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Films LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Holidays LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Gift Basket LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Electrical Appliance LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Software LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Hardware LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Computers LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Media LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07
Travel LCFC World 15:24 4-Sep-07