Bobby Smith
New Member
I agree entirely...
We're a third of the way through the season, second in the league, Matty has 15 goals scored and what the hell do we do?
Slag him off !!
Its pathetic, Isn't it about time that those that state that they are supporters of Leicester City actually Support the team instead of slagging the team off at every single opportunity.
All of our players will make mistakes throughout the season, does it mean we have to nit pick at every single one of them.
It shouldn't but there will always be somebody willing to have a pop.
I think Matty is great for our club and believe we should be encouraging our players not dissing them every chance we get.
Lay Off Matty
I think it's within most of our natures to have a moan now and again but I don't see where the criticism is coming from. The comments they print certainly aren't representative of what the fans I know are saying. Do I live in Matty Fryattland?
There is still a hangover from last season and in some peoples eyes some players will always be responsible but I don't see the need for this constant stream of negative comments printed in the local rag.
They no doubt will claim it's a cross section of what they read, but how often do people write to say great things about LCFC? Not very often, and it would be the same across the country if most fans where given this outlet. I just hate the way this trick is being used to fill pages.