One feels that the EPL had a meeting that went a bit like this:
EPL Goon 1: "****! We can't go for Leicester because of that damn clever jurisdication loophole thing that we missed out in our own governance rules"
EPL Goon 2: "Well we could, but we'd lose again, and I think our faces are covered in enough egg to feed a small island nation state for several years"
EPL Goon 3: "Alright, well let's leave them, them. Let's just penalise Everton, Man U, Chelsea and Newcastle, then"
EPL Goon 1: "Probably best not to, imagine how much uproar there would be that we docked them points but not Leicester"
EPL Goon 2: "Oooooh those sneaky little foxes have done it again!"
EPL Goon 3: "We'd better keep this quiet fellow goons, I think I saw Wolf from Infinity Rocket Plastics knocking about earlier so we could be being listened too"
EPL Goon 1, 2 and 3 (whispering): "Who's turn is it to be the biscuit?"