"Breaking News ............... LCFC to focus on alternative Manager as Hull in Stalemate with pearson Billy Davies is Favourite to replace Sven Pearson has till lunch to resign or leicester pull out."
The above has just been posted on the Leicester paper's website.
Interesting comment earlier about Nigel not being right since Mark Prudue resigned over being disciplined in the Bullard incident. His acidic comments on Saturday tie in with that theory.
As I hinted earlier, its like a TV soap. I can just see Allam senior in the boardroom with his best Marlon Brandon voice saying "$crew the $astards," as henchment with bulging jackets and shades look straight ahead. meanwhile Adam Pearsons towards the door grim faced, drawing his mobile phone to his right ear poised to inform Leicester that the compensation has just been racked-up to 3 Million, plus vat.â€