Looking a little bare!

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Tom W

New Member
1 Ian Walker
7 Keith Gillespie
8 Lilian Nalis
10 James Scowcroft
11 Jordan Stewart
12 Paul Brooker
16 Danny Coyne
17 Matthew Jones
18 Matt Elliott (on loan to Ipswich)
20 Trevor Benjamin
22 Paul Dickov (in talks with Birmingham & West Brom)
23 Tommy Wright
24 Lee Morris
25 Matt Heath
28 Peter Canero
33 Ben Thatcher
44 Nikos Dabizas
Don't Panic - Yet

Remember last summer 11 players came in to the Club and only a couple left. The side will be rebuilt with more players.
1 Ian Walker

8 Lilian Nalis
10 James Scowcroft
11 Jordan Stewart

16 Danny Coyne

18 Matt Elliott (on loan to Ipswich)
20 Trevor Benjamin
22 Paul Dickov (in talks with Birmingham & West Brom)
23 Tommy Wright
24 Lee Morris
25 Matt Heath
28 Peter Canero
33 Ben Thatcher
44 Nikos Dabizas
Ian Walker - Goalkeeper
Danny Coyne - Goalkeeper


Matt Elliott - Central Defender
Matt Heath - Central Defender
Peter Canero - Right back/Right winger
Ben Thatcher - Left Back/ Central Defender
Nikos Dabizas - Central Defender


Lilian Nalis - Central Midfielder
James Scowcroft - Right Wing/Forward
Jordan Stewart - Left Wing/Left Back
Lee Morris - Left Wing/Striker


Trevor Benjamin - Left Wing/Striker
Paul Dickov - Striker
Tommy Wright - Striker


Very bare indeed at the moment.........
very bare

Dont forget sir Les and Marcus )last night sresult has helped!, plus all these top youngsters we keep hearing about

We still need a few fresh faces but have faith in MA, we will get some better replacements than what left, Muzzy apart!
Re: very bare

dpjfox said:
Dont forget sir Les and Marcus )last night sresult has helped!, plus all these top youngsters we keep hearing about

We still need a few fresh faces but have faith in MA, we will get some better replacements than what left, Muzzy apart!

errr with what exactly.... the reason they left is we couldn't afford to keep them, not that micky didn't want them!
Re: very bare

Babylon said:
dpjfox said:
Dont forget sir Les and Marcus )last night sresult has helped!, plus all these top youngsters we keep hearing about

We still need a few fresh faces but have faith in MA, we will get some better replacements than what left, Muzzy apart!

errr with what exactly.... the reason they left is we couldn't afford to keep them, not that micky didn't want them!

Don't believe everything you read Babylon, I think MA would have got rid of quite alot of deadwood anyway, if MA REALLY wanted them (Muzzy apart) he would have offered them something.
FFS!!! Yes it is looking bare but considering everyone on has been harping on about a clear-out and re-building the entire squad then what do you expect? Do you need Micky to sign loads of new players before he releases all the dead wood just so we don't have a small squad an any stage! The season is only just over, it doesn't matter how big or small the squad is until at least the start of pre-season. We can't officially sign any players until june anyway, so there's no need to panic. To re-build and have a clear out you have to get rid of certain things so you can replace them, like everyone wants or are you struggling to understand what re-building means? Would you be happy for Adams to re-build the squad but still keep crap players and pay their wages but never even play them? hmmmmm that sounds grrrrrrrreat.

Let me explain something quite simple to you all, if you wanted some new furtniture in your house as all your current stuff is crap and it's no good keep using it then you would have to clear it out before you could bring the new stuff in, mainly because you can't fit it all in the fcvkin house! ADAMS HAS TO GET RID OF PLAYERS TO BRING NEW ONES IN

Bloody hell
I think the idea behind the cull is to regenerate. Let's face it, we will need at least 10 more players for next season so I for one am excited - who will we get?
Joe_Fox said:
I think the idea behind the cull is to regenerate. Let's face it, we will need at least 10 more players for next season so I for one am excited - who will we get?

10 players?? With what money?? The wage bill had to be cut from 20mil to 10mil cus of relegation which is why we let so many go. If we sign another 10 the wage bill would be massive again!?
Babylon said:
Joe_Fox said:
I think the idea behind the cull is to regenerate. Let's face it, we will need at least 10 more players for next season so I for one am excited - who will we get?

10 players?? With what money?? The wage bill had to be cut from 20mil to 10mil cus of relegation which is why we let so many go. If we sign another 10 the wage bill would be massive again!?

I guarantee that we will sign at least 10 more players before the season begins.
Joe_Fox said:
Babylon said:
Joe_Fox said:
I think the idea behind the cull is to regenerate. Let's face it, we will need at least 10 more players for next season so I for one am excited - who will we get?

10 players?? With what money?? The wage bill had to be cut from 20mil to 10mil cus of relegation which is why we let so many go. If we sign another 10 the wage bill would be massive again!?

I guarantee that we will sign at least 10 more players before the season begins.

I'm not sure we will sign more than 10, but it will be around that figure - Possibly 7 or 8.
Joe_Fox said:
Babylon said:
Joe_Fox said:
I think the idea behind the cull is to regenerate. Let's face it, we will need at least 10 more players for next season so I for one am excited - who will we get?

10 players?? With what money?? The wage bill had to be cut from 20mil to 10mil cus of relegation which is why we let so many go. If we sign another 10 the wage bill would be massive again!?

I guarantee that we will sign at least 10 more players before the season begins.

guarantee!!! that is a strong word. I hope your correct.
Mace says we have a smiliar budget as we did last season, so around £4 million for players and wages.

Didn't he used to play for Arsenal?
Malf said:
Mace says we have a smiliar budget as we did last season, so around £4 million for players and wages.

Didn't he used to play for Arsenal?

No, he said we have roughly half of what we had last season.
Scowcroft said:
Malf said:
Mace says we have a smiliar budget as we did last season, so around £4 million for players and wages.

Didn't he used to play for Arsenal?

No, he said we have roughly half of what we had last season.

£2 million then, not brilliant but easily enough to bring 7 or 8 in. Remember we won't be paying players £10-15k a week
Malf said:
Scowcroft said:
Malf said:
Mace says we have a smiliar budget as we did last season, so around £4 million for players and wages.

Didn't he used to play for Arsenal?

No, he said we have roughly half of what we had last season.

£2 million then, not brilliant but easily enough to bring 7 or 8 in. Remember we won't be paying players £10-15k a week

True, so in effect, we'll be paying about half the wages of that in the Premiership (roughly), so the budget is similar in the sense of how many players we can bring in compared to last season.
bare squad

Ithink we need to offer potential newcomers a reasonable salary with a promotion bonus, in fact the opposite of what last years newcomers got i.e reduction if relegated!
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