MA out by Xmas?

Do You Think MA will be sacked in the next season?

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Fox Fan

Well-Known Member
Right now im feeling low about Leicester. We don't have a squad, and the players we do have are mostly of a second divison standard! Players are packing there bags and leaving and at this point signing a player just looks too ambious!

We all know MA need to bring in at least 9 plyers in the close season - thats a hell of a lot of players and many of them will need to be first team quality! I pointed out in a earlier post that buying a new team and challanging for thing (e.g the Chelski situation) is not a easy, especially if the players don't gel and with MA record of buying a player and then deciding he disklikes him ( Sturridge, Gillespie, Mc kinly, Howey ect...) many of those players might not make it through!

At the rate things are currnetly going I could see us down the bottom end of Div 1 and if that happens and were stuck there by Christmas then I think MA has to walk. IM not saying that now but MA has made many a mistake this season with subitutions, Siginings, Tactits and CONTRACTS. MA has to carry the can for this to a degree and if the quality of players we bring in isnt good enough prehaps we will be looking at a new manger for the start of 2005.

Don't get me wrong I want MA to stay but what im saying is that I think its quite possiable MA could be gone by Xmas!
Still very early days..i don't think nothing can be predicted till Micky gets some signings in, the season doesnt start for a couple of months and people are talking of relegation! :o
city will not go down thats a guarantee, we have a nucleus of a good side


canero-------------heatch--------------- dabizaz-------------------stewart

gillepsie/scowy-------------------nalis------------ ???? -----morris

----------------ferdinnd(he will be back)-------scowy/bent/wright/bemjamin

thatcher will be off
sh!t writing that message i just realised how bad out team really is, we should have kept davidson, mckinlay, freund and guppy but the defence will be one of the best in the division, the strikers wil get goals if the chances are created, and our set-pieces are good, but we'll neeed to get a specialist set peice taker like guppy was and some midfielders i'm thinking a low mid table finish is on the cards crows of 10/15,000 in a 30 thousand stadium. :(
londonfox said:
will micky be sacked next season...


Jesus, with the exception of a few dodgy substitutions and a couple of dodgy signings he has done bugger all wrong.

I ****in hate Leicester fans sometimes.
Babylon said:
londonfox said:
will micky be sacked next season...


Jesus, with the exception of a few dodgy substitutions and a couple of dodgy signings he has done bugger all wrong.

I **** hate Leicester fans sometimes.

It makes me laugh. Just remember, we used to have Peter Taylor not so long ago.....

IMO there is no one better than Micky for the job. He's got experience of 3 promotions, and he's working with Basset who has achieved this feat about 10 times in his career.

He's had one season in the Premiership. Ok, so he messed up on a few things, but he's learning and he will better for the experience.
Just to clear things up - I dont want MA to be sacked at the moment but what I am saying is that IF things continue as they are at the moment then we will be in the shit!
Fox Fan said:
Just to clear things up - I dont want MA to be sacked at the moment but what I am saying is that IF things continue as they are at the moment then we will be in the shit!

Continue as they are? We're in talks with players at the moment, you would be in a much better position to make that judgement when Micky has actually bought them in..... :roll:
Scowcroft said:
Fox Fan said:
Just to clear things up - I dont want MA to be sacked at the moment but what I am saying is that IF things continue as they are at the moment then we will be in the shit!

Continue as they are? We're in talks with players at the moment, you would be in a much better position to make that judgement when Micky has actually bought them in..... :roll:


The guy can't win, we have an old squad and people moan about not having a young team. He lets all the old has beens go and people moan that he should of kept them.

The clauses in peoples contracts has nothing to do with him, he just asked the board to do what they could to get them to sign. If they want a get out clause then so be it if thats the only way of getting them to sign. You all would have moaned if dickov had walked out and gone elsewhere last summer.

Even if we sign shit players he is just doing what he can with the money he has been given, do you think if we sacked him the next manager would come in and bring £10mil of his own money to spend.
Micky Adams to get teh sack! Never!! In my eyes the bloke hasnt done nothing wrong! Its not his fault that Dickov & Scimeca are gone and Thatcher going. He couldnt refuse any offers. Maybe we are all dissapionted to see him release some players that would have done us good in Division One but he did state that anyone that goes will be replaced. At the start of last season our aim was to TRY and stay in the Prem and we all knew it was going to be very hard to succeed this goal. Mostly every football fan would of probably had their money on us to go down! Lets not coem to conclusions and start questioning his future. The bloke came into Leicester and mostly everybody was shocked but he came into a weak team that needed alot of improvments with little resources. Please lets nopt talk about him being sacked, he hasnt done anything wrong.

This is a silly topic, it would be suicide to not commit and stick with MA, he'll be a great manager, he's already done a fantastic job and stood up to mistakes.
I think that we're about to find out how good Mick The Adams really is.

I don't want him to be the first manager casualty of the new season myself, but the first three months of the new season are gonna be so critical to MA, and more importantly, Leicester City Football Club. We don't know what players are gonna be coming in yet but the chances are they're gonna be players unhappy where they are, rather than players looking to come to Leicester so its gonna be like the start of last season.

It's far too early to know what its gonna be like. If we have a dodgy start to the season things could be far worse than they are now. Lets see if MA can get the belief in the players and hopefully it will rub off on the supporters. I belive that we will be reasonable next season, nothing special, nothing awful. C'mon, we aint D*rby C*unty.

Thing is, If MA gets sacked, who to take over?
ma gone by christmas

:( He should go now and bassett He has blamed everything but himself and hasnt stood up to his numerous mistakes
Its time somebody wised up
just as long as he learns by the mistakes he's made....
time will tell.
to be honest i couldn't give 2 fooks. if he goes we'll get someone else in to do a job. we'll never be an arsenal... no matter who we've got.
Re: ma gone by christmas

fairbanksh said:
:( He should go now and bassett He has blamed everything but himself and hasnt stood up to his numerous mistakes
Its time somebody wised up

Name one manager that has never made a mistake... so he made a couple of shit subs and bought a couple of iffy players, wow major problems sack him now. He is one of the best managers around. His record here and at past clubs proves this!
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