Marine fish

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its cost me a shed load to set up and 6 months for it to be ready for fish ,ive got living rock and living sand in it 3 filters ,one heater,and a scimmer loads of ro water and ready made salt water plus ph test kist and salt level meter total cost so far is £1500 :icon_eek: but well worth it TBH

our new marine set up.jpg
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Shame on you Newts....... most marine fish are taken from the reefs as they cannot be bred in captivity....:018:
Watch out for the Yellow Tang grazing on your corals!!!

Most important is a regular supply of RO water, or fit an RO unit to your water system. And FFS make sure you keep up with the additives or else it'll all go tits up.

Marine keeping is hard work,very expensive, but very rewarding.
Shame on you Newts....... most marine fish are taken from the reefs as they cannot be bred in captivity....:018:
Yes, but at least we have the decency to use cyanide to explode the reefs to bit in one go instead of just picking at it bit by bit.
One and a half grand for a plastic starfish and half a quarry?

You'd have though this bloke would have learned after his Internet Puppy, but obviously not.
Yes, but at least we have the decency to use cyanide to explode the reefs to bit in one go instead of just picking at it bit by bit.

how many marine fish are bred in captivity? Not ****ing many.

Marines fish should be banned and put up there on the same level as with Ivory
how many marine fish are bred in captivity? Not ****ing many.

Marines fish should be banned and put up there on the same level as with Ivory
OATA and CITES are doing all they can to help breed marine fish in the UK, and to help save the reefs.

Problem is, the sea environment is so stable, and fluctuations (pH, o2, Calcum, salinity, temperature etc) are unkown. In captivity these fluctuations are very difficult to keep stable due to the small volume of water.

We have a very good supply of UK bred clownfish, seahorses, tangs and a few other species in the trade at the minute, and this is getting better all the time.

Cyanide is now virtually non existent. Without wild caught fish a lot if village populations would die out, especially in countries like The Phillipines. These villages need the sale of fish to survive, as a result it's in their best interest to maintian the reefs to be in tip top condition.

It's not perfect, but we are making huge improvements each and every year.
Watch out for the Yellow Tang grazing on your corals!!!

Most important is a regular supply of RO water, or fit an RO unit to your water system. And FFS make sure you keep up with the additives or else it'll all go tits up.

Marine keeping is hard work,very expensive, but very rewarding.

Im lucky one of my kids mate's dad has keep them for years and without his help i would not hae got this far TBH and like you say it can cost shed loads but this chaps get's his stuff wholesale from some where ,so its cost me half of what it would have.

the RO unit is coming tuseday i belive he said.

dont know if you know the place he uses he said it was on th A5 :102:
Im lucky one of my kids mate's dad has keep them for years and without his help i would not hae got this far TBH and like you say it can cost shed loads but this chaps get's his stuff wholesale from some where ,so its cost me half of what it would have.

the RO unit is coming tuseday i belive he said.

dont know if you know the place he uses he said it was on th A5 :102:
Yes, A5 Aquatics.
Cyanide is now virtually non existent. Without wild caught fish a lot if village populations would die out, especially in countries like The Phillipines. These villages need the sale of fish to survive, as a result it's in their best interest to maintian the reefs to be in tip top condition.

It's not perfect, but we are making huge improvements each and every year.

what is the mortality rate of the fish that are exported, if they pack and send 1000 fish from the villages, how many make the journey to the waiting aquariums?
its cost me a shed load to set up and 6 months for it to be ready for fish ,ive got living rock and living sand in it 3 filters ,one heater,and a scimmer loads of ro water and ready made salt water plus ph test kist and salt level meter total cost so far is £1500 :icon_eek: but well worth it TBH

View attachment 3121

Somebody else's fish tank though. :icon_conf :102:
You couldnt make it up could you ..........well yes i suppose you could :icon_lol:
That looks similar to the one Newts' has set up.

When I do a pond, I always look for inspiration from those built by others. Mine always come up short though, and I never get to replicate at the exact quality Newts' has.

Top bombing, Newts :038:

Got to love the attention to detail, he re-decorated the wallpaper to match! How on earth did notts find that!
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