Mawene joins wolves

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Carlo said:
Mawene joins wolves on trial in norway!!!!!!! :evil:
i'm p*****d off now :evil:

Yeah, just seen it on Sky Sports.

It feels like every other manager is out to F**K LCFC and it's fans.

Is it something we are doing wrong, why are they choosing other clubs?
e.g. Macateer, Connelly, Mawene and more....

Gutted, Gutted & More Gutted every day
Melton Fox said:
Carlo said:
Mawene joins wolves on trial in norway!!!!!!! :evil:
i'm p*****d off now :evil:

Yeah, just seen it on Sky Sports.

It feels like every other manager is out to F**K LCFC and it's fans.

Is it something we are doing wrong, why are they choosing other clubs?
e.g. Macateer, Connelly, Mawene and more....

Gutted, Gutted & More Gutted every day

Hold on - McAteer has gone to a shite club, Mawene was unimpressive and Connelly hasn't said no yet! Calm down. No point in just buying players for the sake of it.
I would suggest, reading between the lines, that Micky only had budget for Dabizas or Mawene. That will have been why he forced Davizas' hand on Saturday so as not to f*ck Mawene about if he had the chance to go elsewhere.

Theres no point in us having 5 centre backs! If it was a straight choice between Mawene and Makin as right back I would go for Makin.
Mawene seems to be a player that impresses some and not others. If you ask Derby fans you either get "Great player no idea why we didnt keep him" or "he's crap". If you listed to 106 you will know what i mean.

Lets be honest about this we are talking about a player released by Derby, had a trail with us and now is having a trial with Wolves. If Micky thought he was any good he would have made him an offer.
I was in the group on here who would have quite liked to see him at City as he is young and obvioulsy has a degree of talent but if its not to be, its not to be.

I'm more interested in Connolly at the momment, he had better bloody well sign or were leaving it abit late in the day to get a replacement in and get him settled! Come on man make a bloody decison!!!
"Trialists Chris Makin and Youl Mawene are set for further outings tomorrow night at Milton Keynes Dons where the City side will again be a mixture of seniors and reserves."

- Confused now! :?
Erm, it's pretty obvious that the reason Mawene was being trialed was because Micky didn't think Dabizas was coming back. Now that we've got Dabizas, we don't need Mawene. He's an average player, why the crying about it?

It's not like he's picked Wolves over us.
Tom W said:
Erm, it's pretty obvious that the reason Mawene was being trialed was because Micky didn't think Dabizas was coming back. Now that we've got Dabizas, we don't need Mawene. He's an average player, why the crying about it?

It's not like he's picked Wolves over us.

but he would have been good as back-up
gagandeep said:
Tom W said:
Erm, it's pretty obvious that the reason Mawene was being trialed was because Micky didn't think Dabizas was coming back. Now that we've got Dabizas, we don't need Mawene. He's an average player, why the crying about it?

It's not like he's picked Wolves over us.

but he would have been good as back-up

can we afford back-up? :roll:
Dorkwolf said:
Fox Fan said:
Seems that out of the question now.
One clubs litter could be another clubs treasure if you catch my drift. :roll: :wink:

Just like one Mr Stan Collymore!!

Still hopes he scores an own goal against us on Tuesday 5th April 2005!
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