Missing Canoeist

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Re: Sicko

Welcome to about 3 days ago.............
Re: Sicko


Jodie spunkbag & Jordan "look-at-me-everybody-look-at-me-if-you-don't-look-at-me-I'm-gonna-make-my-tits-even-more-hideous" jessel finds attractive, yet some poor **** that has got caught out in an insurance scam (& is old news anyway) apparently is a 'sicko'.

a bizarre world is planet jessel.
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Re: Sicko


Jessel finds Jodie spunkbag & Jordan "look-at-me-everybody-look-at-me-if-you-don't-look-at-me-I'm-gonna-make-my-tits-even-more-hideous" attractive, yet some poor **** that has got caught out in an insurance scam & is old news apparently is a 'sicko'.

a bizarre world is planet jessel.

How is he a poor ****:102:. The lying **** shouldn't of done it and he tried to get away with it. He is a prick. So what your saying is he's a poor ****, breaking the law by robbing the system.

I find women attractive, maybe I should fancy Jordan Stewart :102:

Bizarre world Macky lives in; breaking the law and his a "poor ****" :icon_roll
Re: Sicko

Because he got caught. How is he a sicko?

You also find those pair of ugly, self-obsessed plastic bints attractive, but I'm not sure why you've mentioned women because they really don't qualify.

He is a sicko. Definition:
A deranged, psychotic, or morbidly obsessed person.
He is deranged, going round for five years just for a bit of insurance money. Psychotic making his kids go through all that stress. You made it sound like you felt sorry for the bloke.

Its my opinion; I might find some ladies that you find attractive, ugly. Unless of course you like men :102: :icon_roll No need to be so aggressive about it.
Re: Sicko

But to be fair, I don't think he ever claimed for his damaged canoe and the insurance company kept very quiet about that one.......bastards
Re: Sicko

He is a sicko. Definition:

A deranged, psychotic, or morbidly obsessed person.

I think you need to go away & look up the definitions for 'deranged' & 'psychotic' as well jessel, you're way off. :icon_roll

No need to be so aggressive about it.

I wasn't being aggressive, I was taking the piss out of your bizarre taste in women, and I do use the term 'women' loosely.
Re: Sicko


The state of mind required to undertake certain past-times such as fishing, supporting Leicester City, collecting toe-nail clippings and canoeing

Behaviour exhibited by people in charge of cars, tanks, guns and canoes
Re: Sicko

tamworth fox-what a shit name change
Re: Sicko

I think you need to go away & look up the definitions for 'deranged' & 'psychotic' as well jessel, you're way off. :icon_roll

I wasn't being aggressive, I was taking the piss out of your bizarre taste in women, and I do use the term 'women' loosely.

You just keep feeling sorry for someone who faked his death and was found out to be an insurance scammer :icon_roll
Re: Sicko

You just keep feeling sorry for someone who faked his death and was found out to be an insurance scammer :icon_roll

i find it strange that anyone who has decency can feel sorry for the twat. i do wonder why he had to go back and announce that he is not dead though....
Re: Sicko

i find it strange that anyone who has decency can feel sorry for the twat. i do wonder why he had to go back and announce that he is not dead though....
Half-season ST offer lured him back.

It was that or Ollie's promises of making us a Top5 team.
Re: Sicko

Half-season ST offer lured him back.

It was that or Ollie's promises of making us a Top5 team.

my theory is better......

he returns, his wife goes out in a canoe and 'dies' and then he claims the insurance, they can live in panama for a few more decades both being nice and dead
Re: Sicko

You just keep feeling sorry for someone who faked his death and was found out to be an insurance scammer :icon_roll

You're absolutely right jessel, in the general scheme of things this truly is a wicked, evil, heinous crime and he deserves nothing less than suffering execution by slow and unusual means.

What a sicko.
Re: Sicko

You're absolutely right jessel, in the general scheme of things this truly is a wicked, evil, heinous crime and he deserves nothing less than suffering execution by slow and unusual means.

What a sicko.

I'm glad we can both agree on something :023:
Re: Sicko

i find it strange that anyone who has decency can feel sorry for the twat. i do wonder why he had to go back and announce that he is not dead though....

I completely agree :038:

No idea, maybe he was fed up of running. Im sure he'll be another one who sells his story to the press :mad:
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