Mr. David Connolly

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First things first, do you think he's pleased he joined you're rabble?

I seem to remember at the start of the season we both had matching bids in for him but he opted to join your side for "footballing reasons" despite being big friends with Mick McCarthy. More money?

Shame for the bloke, joining a side who end up nearer the bottom three than the top three, he'd have been better off in West Ham's reserves.

black cats top dogs said:
First things first, do you think he's pleased he joined you're rabble?

I seem to remember at the start of the season we both had matching bids in for him but he opted to join your side for "footballing reasons" despite being big friends with Mick McCarthy. More money?

Shame for the bloke, joining a side who end up nearer the bottom three than the top three, he'd have been better off in West Ham's reserves.


Are you the master of the bleeding obvious. :roll:
Semper Eadem said:
Bet he is still happier near than bottom of the league than living in a shithole like Sunderland.

:lol: a shithole like Sunderland? I was at the Crisp Bowl earlier this season when we put your side to the sword watching something resembling football from your lot

The idyllic power station and flat-pack stadium you have there, along with the really shite tannoy system spells League 1 football to me
I was referring to the area you live in and not stadia, though I can see why you would get confused, not the brightest you lot up there are you.

Never mind.
black cats top dogs said:
Semper Eadem said:
Bet he is still happier near than bottom of the league than living in a shithole like Sunderland.

:lol: a shithole like Sunderland? I was at the Crisp Bowl earlier this season when we put your side to the sword watching something resembling football from your lot

The idyllic power station and flat-pack stadium you have there, along with the really shite tannoy system spells League 1 football to me

hey you can take it out of Leicester, take it out of our leage position, take it out of our stadium but DO NOT take it out of our Public Adress system. Now your just crossing the line!
Fox Fan said:
black cats top dogs said:
Semper Eadem said:
Bet he is still happier near than bottom of the league than living in a shithole like Sunderland.

:lol: a shithole like Sunderland? I was at the Crisp Bowl earlier this season when we put your side to the sword watching something resembling football from your lot

The idyllic power station and flat-pack stadium you have there, along with the really shite tannoy system spells League 1 football to me

hey you can take it out of Leicester, take it out of our leage position, take it out of our stadium but DO NOT take it out of our Public Adress system. Now your just crossing the line!

It is an excuse so that Sunderland fans can absolve themselves of guilt when they failed to observe a minute's silence for the late and lamented Keith Weller. :smt013 :smt019 :smt076 :smt093 :smt084 :smt086 :smt091 :smt097 :smt105 :smt067
Semper Eadem said:
I was referring to the area you live in and not stadia, though I can see why you would get confused, not the brightest you lot up there are you.

Never mind.

Now thats a very primal thing to say isnt it? :cry: stereotyping all of the north-east like that. And a comment about intellect, I'm sure the folks at Leicester City can't have been the brightest to spend £5m on a certain Ade Akinbiyi as well as labelling Emile Heskey as some sort of 'local hero'

Oh and another thing about Leicester City now that you're on. I seem to remember the last time you were in the First Division you used administration as a springboard to bounce back into the Premiership, frigging all your creditors along the way. Proper football clubs like Sunderland and West Ham bit the bullet and sold players to do it the proper and honest way. Maybe thats why you're left with a bunch of over-paid, over-rated has-beens and where we have a young, dynamic, highly motivated set of promotion contenders.
So basically mate what is your point. You've told us that David Connolly was better off going to Sunderland than us which is just staing the obvious. We don't some Mackem twat coming in and teling us so. By the way I think you'd better get ready for a pasting from Leicester when we come to the Stadium of Shite on the 23rd of April.
Oi we had to put the likes of Izzet, Walker, and Elliot on the transfer list while we were in Administration but no one come in for them, so don't come that bollocks.
Back to the topic....

Connolly is one of the reasons why we are nearer the bottom than the top. If he could just score a few of those chances he keeps getting, then we'd be OK. But he looks like he might finally be turning it around.

As for Sunderland, come on man, you live there, surely by now you've noticed that it's a bit of a shithole. I was only there once, and I noticed it right away. Nasty little provincial town with a depressing and slightly aggressive atmosphere. Difficult to compare it with an actual city like Leicester.... :wink:

Anyway, as you slip back down we'll pass you on our way up next summer, so we won't be playing you lot for a couple of years at least... I can't imagine the travelling support will be too sorry to see Sunderland knocked off the list of away days. :smt004
Steven said:
Fox Fan said:
black cats top dogs said:
Semper Eadem said:
Bet he is still happier near than bottom of the league than living in a shithole like Sunderland.

:lol: a shithole like Sunderland? I was at the Crisp Bowl earlier this season when we put your side to the sword watching something resembling football from your lot

The idyllic power station and flat-pack stadium you have there, along with the really shite tannoy system spells League 1 football to me

hey you can take it out of Leicester, take it out of our leage position, take it out of our stadium but DO NOT take it out of our Public Adress system. Now your just crossing the line!

It is an excuse so that Sunderland fans can absolve themselves of guilt when they failed to observe a minute's silence for the late and lamented Keith Weller. :smt013 :smt019 :smt076 :smt093 :smt084 :smt086 :smt091 :smt097 :smt105 :smt067

Here, from where I was sitting the Leicester fan(s) nearest to us were just as guilty as we were. And from what I've seen in the past its customary for the announcer to mention theres gonna be a minutes silence and when it will start etc.
Leicester fan said:
So basically mate what is your point. You've told us that David Connolly was better off going to Sunderland than us which is just staing the obvious. We don't some Mackem twat coming in and teling us so. By the way I think you'd better get ready for a pasting from Leicester when we come to the Stadium of Shite on the 23rd of April.


1. Whats my point? I'll tell you - some months ago when you signed that side-parted little Irish tw*t, there were about 10 Leicester fans who posted on our message board hailing it as a 'major coo', and a 'signal of how you are a bigger club' - my point is to lambast those lads who were quite massively wrong.

2. Ready for a pasting off your lot? You'd have to learn to play football first, from what I saw at the Crisp Bowl you're rather partial to the old long ball into a big striker and to kick and dive around him. Won't win many Championship games, but fair enough in League 1 - you're onto a winner there :-D
Leicester fan said:
Oi we had to put the likes of Izzet, Walker, and Elliot on the transfer list while we were in Administration but no one come in for them, so don't come that bollocks.

But you turned down offers for them. And who would want that sh*te anyways?
Leicester fan said:
While we're on the subject of good, young players what do you think to Matty Piper and is he still injured?

I was on the subject of good, young players, but that crock doesn't fall into the category. We should take you guys to court - for daylight robbery - only Reidy would have fallen for it!

We thought we were buying a promising winger, when really we were buying the footballing equivalent of Bambi on Ice with brittle bones.
Theres only one team in the North East worth talking about and its not your lot. You only come on here cos you obviously think you are funny, trouble is you live in a shit town inhabited by complete morons who think shouting through a minutes silence is funny. The reason our lot were shouting was to tell your ape like p***flaps to shut the f**k up. So do us all a favour, climb back into your hole where you obviously crawled out from and shut the f**k up. You know nothing about what happened when we went into administration, apart from what the papers all said ( and they knew nothing either!!). I hope it happens to your team, then believe me you wouln't be laughing.And don't start saying you are too big a club for it to happen to....cos you're not.....

Rant over..peace descends..goodnight :smt008
Why don't you talk about this subject with your buddies at play time tomorrow morning?! If you're a really luck boy you might be able to get Connolly for your sticker book instead when you do swapsies!

Now go home back to Geordie land my friend. It's ten past nine now & I'm sure daddy will be cross if he finds out your still on the computer when it's gone beddy bye's time.
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