David Gwilliam
Well-Known Member
I think he is definitely a decent addition to the squad. We needed another central midfielder to compete with the holy trinityof King Abe and Wellens.
It may be a holy quartet rather than a holy trinity. At the Q&A earlier this year Sven was asked why he played 4-3-3 here when throughout his career he has played 4-4-2. His answer was that the Leicester midfield was not physically strong enough for 4-4-2. I guessed then that he would be looking for a hard man this summer.
I went on one of the Crystal Palace fans forums. (Yes I know I have too much time on my hands but most people I know apply that to being a football supporter). The Palace fans clearly regard him very highly as a fullblooded 100% player. They had taken it for granted that he was going to join Rangers and there is some controversy about whether him joining another Championship club is really a step up.
This augurs well since you can tell a great deal about someone's character by how he leaves a job.
The Palace website included a post which said they would miss "his Ninja tackling". I leave it to others to consider whether referees will approve of Ninja tackling.