New Brummies

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Personally, I'm very sad today as three of my favourite LCFC players - from possibly the best LCFC era, look like they'll all be lining for the bloody Brummies next season..

Can't believe they've signed Heskey - what good business by Steve Bruce. When they sign Muzzy (almost certain) and line those two up with Sav - it's all gonna be a bit weird.. :(
Bruce obviously loved Leicester under Martin O'Neill!

£6.25 million good business by Bruce? Your having a laugh, especially in this current market. Heskey is nothing special, fair enough he's 'our player' home grown and all that, but he's not as good as what a few people on here make him out to be. He can't score for shit, in a premiership where even players like Marcus Bent, Paul Dickov and a 37 year old called Les Ferdinand can all score over double figures and he can't! Crap, £6.25 million, you've had your pants down. Get Akinbiyi on a free if you want to a crap player.
Malf said:
Bruce obviously loved Leicester under Martin O'Neill!

£6.25 million good business by Bruce? Your having a laugh, especially in this current market. Heskey is nothing special, fair enough he's 'our player' home grown and all that, but he's not as good as what a few people on here make him out to be. He can't score for shit, in a premiership where even players like Marcus Bent, Paul Dickov and a 37 year old called Les Ferdinand can all score over double figures and he can't! Crap, £6.25 million, you've had your pants down. Get Akinbiyi on a free if you want to a crap player.

only 3.75 initially, brum will prob have to get inot the champs league to get the full amount, i think its good business myself, muzzy has signedd officially today.
Lboro fox said:
Malf said:
Bruce obviously loved Leicester under Martin O'Neill!

£6.25 million good business by Bruce? Your having a laugh, especially in this current market. Heskey is nothing special, fair enough he's 'our player' home grown and all that, but he's not as good as what a few people on here make him out to be. He can't score for shit, in a premiership where even players like Marcus Bent, Paul Dickov and a 37 year old called Les Ferdinand can all score over double figures and he can't! Crap, £6.25 million, you've had your pants down. Get Akinbiyi on a free if you want to a crap player.

only 3.75 initially, brum will prob have to get inot the champs league to get the full amount, i think its good business myself, muzzy has signedd officially today.

Joe_Fox said:
Lboro fox said:
Malf said:
Bruce obviously loved Leicester under Martin O'Neill!

£6.25 million good business by Bruce? Your having a laugh, especially in this current market. Heskey is nothing special, fair enough he's 'our player' home grown and all that, but he's not as good as what a few people on here make him out to be. He can't score for shit, in a premiership where even players like Marcus Bent, Paul Dickov and a 37 year old called Les Ferdinand can all score over double figures and he can't! Crap, £6.25 million, you've had your pants down. Get Akinbiyi on a free if you want to a crap player.

only 3.75 initially, brum will prob have to get inot the champs league to get the full amount, i think its good business myself, muzzy has signedd officially today.


Izzet has decided to go to Birmingham
Joe_Fox said:
Lboro fox said:
Malf said:
Bruce obviously loved Leicester under Martin O'Neill!

£6.25 million good business by Bruce? Your having a laugh, especially in this current market. Heskey is nothing special, fair enough he's 'our player' home grown and all that, but he's not as good as what a few people on here make him out to be. He can't score for shit, in a premiership where even players like Marcus Bent, Paul Dickov and a 37 year old called Les Ferdinand can all score over double figures and he can't! Crap, £6.25 million, you've had your pants down. Get Akinbiyi on a free if you want to a crap player.

only 3.75 initially, brum will prob have to get inot the champs league to get the full amount, i think its good business myself, muzzy has signedd officially today.


Twas in the sun, glorius paper, should be on the website, in the same article as the heskey story
brum OS says no deal yet confirmed for izzet depite national and local media reports.we all know where hes going though dont we
Malf said:
Perhaps Clinton is on his way to City?

Not sure about that, wouldn't mind having Hughes though, good player.
:cry: I love you Muzzy.
If they get Dickov, then it's 4 former LCFC players from the modern era! :shock: How strange would that be watching them, especially in blue......
the modern area? you mean aylestone.
or did you mean the modern era.

why doesn't Bruce just come and manage city? he really seems to like our players.
pds said:
the modern area? you mean aylestone.
or did you mean the modern era.

why doesn't Bruce just come and manage city? he really seems to like our players.

Thanks for pointing that out to me pds. :wink:
no problem scowy, and if it is a modern area your after look no further than Aylestone.(We even have our own Pizza Hut)

Can't believe i corrected someone im getting like Joe Fox
I hate the Blues so much! Quite frankly im not suprized about Muzz going there - but I am suprized that Liverpool let Heasky go!!

Diod you see him aginst Blues a few weeks back - out standing!
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