Welcome to the new forum
You don't have to register, but there are a number of features only registered members.
As a member, you can:
Edit messages you've posted.
Delete messages you've posted
Vote in polls
Create new polls
Receive email notification of replies.
Plus other features that make it easier to use.
Please read the FAQ for details of some of the advanced options.
If you want to talk about other subjects, please use the General Chat forum.
If you'd like a new forum to discuss other things (cricket, rugby?), please let me know and I'll add them to the site.
You don't have to register, but there are a number of features only registered members.
As a member, you can:
Edit messages you've posted.
Delete messages you've posted
Vote in polls
Create new polls
Receive email notification of replies.
Plus other features that make it easier to use.
Please read the FAQ for details of some of the advanced options.
If you want to talk about other subjects, please use the General Chat forum.
If you'd like a new forum to discuss other things (cricket, rugby?), please let me know and I'll add them to the site.