New Player

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a) Sign no one, scrape to safety, sack the fecking lot and start again in the summer with a new bunch of ambitious and committed players.

b) Maintain mid table status, keep the bulk add 3 or 4 new players in the summer and also keep mid table status next season.

I suspect plan a) is Mandarics and plan b) is Rob Kelly's

Cheerio Rob
Hmmm, I favour a mixture of both, sack RK and a few of the other feckers, (Hughes, MDV, Douglas) and bring in some more experienced players so we can get automatic promotion next year, laugh at the sheep as they come back down, and laugh louder at the trees as they lose in the playoffs yet again and suffer another year in div 3 or whatever it's called.

tee hee
a) Sign no one, scrape to safety, sack the fecking lot and start again in the summer with a new bunch of ambitious and committed players.

b) Maintain mid table status, keep the bulk add 3 or 4 new players in the summer and also keep mid table status next season.

I suspect plan a) is Mandarics and plan b) is Rob Kelly's

Cheerio Rob

But paying off all the existing contracts would swallow all the cash available. The ability to then attract (and pay) the 20-30 "ambitious and committed players" would be severely limited. Not the sort of thing that I would have thought has got MM where he is today.

Teams/squads change incrementally, and that's what I would expect to see - replacing players as opportunities arise.
We really do not need to sack the lot of them IMO. We're seeing what a sprinkling of fresh talent within the squad, together with a new and fresh determination within the board room can do. No point in disrupting everything all at once. Gradually replace the Hammonds and Maybury's while keeping Kismybum, McAulay, Porter, Johnson (on current form) and Fryatt and get better players around them. The Horse should stay next year for sure. Douglas and De Vries need to leave.
Nope, sack them all. No rooom for debate and reasoning here
Just a little point I'd like to make.

I see people are making the equation of Best Bits Of Current Squad + 5 Premiership 'professionals' = Promotion. Let's not take the eye off picking up some good stuff from the lower leagues and maintain the development of our current batch of youngsters.
i dont think any new players will be coming in at all
no point drummer boy, we are safe now and the best window to do buisness is the summer. lets wait and get some crackers in instead of wasting time and money now. unless we can do some stonking bizz now :icon_cool
Just a little point I'd like to make.

I see people are making the equation of Best Bits Of Current Squad + 5 Premiership 'professionals' = Promotion. Let's not take the eye off picking up some good stuff from the lower leagues and maintain the development of our current batch of youngsters.

I am agreeing with you and not Melts this time Hazz. A bit of a clear out and add five X-Prem players or up and coming lower league starlets (like Reading managed to do with Lita and also Doyle from Ireland) in the summer.
Right about we just hire a van pre-season then? Take them shellfish collecting somewhere with a decent tide and dodgy sand?

What a load of absolute cockles.......

The shellfish would say when they saw them..........
Joey is on his way....

just heard on sky sports news that dejan stefanovic wants to end his career at pompey :icon_conf any thoughts?
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