No news is bad news?

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waiting the last minute to sign players is not so good either..

Yeah you're right, back in the day those last minute, eve-of-the-season signings made by Martin O'Neill really did nothing for the club.

Media speculation is usually all bollox anyway. Of all the players we are linked with we probably only sign about 10%. Let's face it, nobody had heard anything about the Nielsen signing or the Hobbs or Cleverley signing last season.
i would ordinarily be thinking along the lines of "we'll sign no-one and regret it" sort of lines.
but in the build up to the under 21 tournament i saw footage of the last u21 championship final - with Pearson rallying the players during the penalty shoot out and i suddenly thought "i don't mind if we bide our time".
Pearson and his staff clearly know more than we do about what young and up and coming players are out there, and they have the connections to bring the right people in.

N'Guessan looks electric when he's on his form and a good squad player or impact sub. Weale is an unknown quantity so no comment about him.

We will clearly bring in 4 or 5 players. I don't care when, and i don't care for how much.

All i know is that the set up, the squad and the club as a financial whole is in a lot better place than it was 12 months ago - and the only way is up from here.

So don't worry.........!
You know it's bad when you put a reminder on Sky for the Midlands Masters.:099:
I cannot believe anyone is nostalgic for Martin Allen. It is easy to sign players; Martin Allen did it fourteen times.
If we did not sign anyone else I believe we would end up in mid-table. We have far better players than the team that was relegated and Pearson has created a team whereas Allen had created a shambles.
Now if we are to reach the playoffs or better we need to sign players better than the ones they will be replacing. I will be happy with two more permanent signings if they are really good. Remember last season we brought in three season long loanees - Martin, Hobbs and Gilbert all of which were first teamk regulars and Cleverley during the season.
I don't want to go back to the days of signing a Campbell and finding he is not good enough to replace Fryatt, a Jimmy Neilson and finding he is not good enough to replace Hendo and a Sappleton who is not good enough to replace anybody.
Both Jimmy Bloomfield and Martin O'Neill thought carefully before spending money and they are better role models for Nigel to emulate than Martin Allen.
I cannot believe anyone is nostalgic for Martin Allen. It is easy to sign players; Martin Allen did it fourteen times.

Atleast nobody knew what the **** that loon was going to do next:icon_lol: It was exciting and worrying in equal measures....
Blimey Charlie, here we go again...

Hoos is on holiday. No deals until he's back. I think we'll start making these dozens of big name signings that some people expect in the next week or two.

But it is a shambles... we've missed out on Kaka and Ronaldo now. How could we let this happen?
Blimey Charlie, here we go again...

But it is a shambles... we've missed out on Kaka and Ronaldo now. How could we let this happen?

Not to mention Ribery as well.

Absolute shambles!

We will probably have to settle for Owen or Ameobi!
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