Past sell by date

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Boy Genius

Sell by and use by dates could be bollocks, how far past the use by date would you still cook and eat something.

I have just seen off a pie 4 days over. Made sure it was piping hot though. and it was great.
Sell by and use by dates could be bollocks, how far past the use by date would you still cook and eat something.

I have just seen off 2 'family pies' 4 days over. Made sure it was piping hot though. and it was great.

FFS ... greedy **** :icon_bigg
It depends on the food, if it was something like meat i would never eat it after the sell by date, but things like eggs can last a good month after their sell by date
Sell by and use by dates could be bollocks, how far past the use by date would you still cook and eat something.

My dad brought home some vacuum-packed meat the other day that has a best before date of some time in 2007. He assures me he's going to cook it and eat it, so I'll let you know the outcome!!!
Sell by and use by dates could be bollocks, how far past the use by date would you still cook and eat something.

It depends what it is. I tend to go more by smell and appearance than date.

I was told by someone at a major rice company that if stored properly rice improves with age, but by law they have to put a best before on it .
I have been told if you cook it well and make sure it's very hot, any bacteria is killed off.

3 hours have past now and not a twinge yet.
My dad brought home some vacuum-packed meat the other day that has a best before date of some time in 2007. He assures me he's going to cook it and eat it, so I'll let you know the outcome!!!

thats the brave of the bravest I would say. But then again if it's vacuum packed.........:102:
I would never eat any kind of fresh food that was even one day out of date - just not worth it IMO.

I've eat chocolate which was a year out of date but that's not so bad.
'Use by' dates and 'best before' dates are not the same thing.
I don't pay attention to either of them, especially not 'best before' dates which are mostly meaningless.
If it smells okay and tastes okay, it is okay.
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I would never eat any kind of fresh food that was even one day out of date - just not worth it IMO.

What a wimp! and how come yoghurt has a sell by date, surely that's milk past its best before date.

5 hours in and alls well.
Companies cover themselves by putting use by and sell by dates earlier then they need to be. You can eat most things up to a week later and still be fine.
Chicken and Pork do not keep past the sell by date but all other meats to a greater or lesser extent can be eaten until they smell off. :)
ive cooked meat pies that have been past their date by a good couple of months although i did freeze them and cooked them thoroughly for o/h and he is ok :102::icon_bigg
Best Before dates are not important but use by dates are. Basically though, the food comapnies cover their arses by putting the dates way before when the actually goes off and becomes dangerous. They aren't stupid and don't want to risk getting sued!

Use your heads - if it's covered in mould, don't eat it. If some meat smells a bit funny, don't eat it. Otherwise, just YOMP YTOMP YOMYP YOMP{{ YU<<<<!!!!!!!!
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