Pig Ignorant Leicester Fans

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Sorry Malf my DOH! was just a piece of Simpsonesque exasperation. I agree though, wouldn't want Hoddle here. But when compared to Pleat Out! did as good a job as could be done at Spurs.

You're probably right about Solly, Hazell, although he was very popular amongst his team mates (now we know why!). The whole lot of that '70's side were underachieving prima donna's (Weller and Wortho particularly).

And anyone who has had the misfortune to be next to The Birch in a bar will know what a prat he can be.
Oadby Fox said:
Sorry Malf my DOH! was just a piece of Simpsonesque exasperation. I agree though, wouldn't want Hoddle here. But when compared to Pleat Out! did as good a job as could be done at Spurs.

You're probably right about Solly, Hazell, although he was very popular amongst his team mates (now we know why!). The whole lot of that '70's side were underachieving prima donna's (Weller and Wortho particularly).

And anyone who has had the misfortune to be next to The Birch in a bar will know what a prat he can be.

Oadby, did you ever post on here under the name of 'Solly'? The reason I ask this is you've just mentioned his name, and I never knew what it meant. Solly posted similar posts to you and people compared him to James Walker, just like you are compared to him. Have I rumbled who you are? Or are you a maverick?
Malf said:
Oadby Fox said:
Sorry Malf my DOH! was just a piece of Simpsonesque exasperation. I agree though, wouldn't want Hoddle here. But when compared to Pleat Out! did as good a job as could be done at Spurs.

You're probably right about Solly, Hazell, although he was very popular amongst his team mates (now we know why!). The whole lot of that '70's side were underachieving prima donna's (Weller and Wortho particularly).

And anyone who has had the misfortune to be next to The Birch in a bar will know what a prat he can be.

Oadby, did you ever post on here under the name of 'Solly'? The reason I ask this is you've just mentioned his name, and I never knew what it meant. Solly posted similar posts to you and people compared him to James Walker, just like you are compared to him. Have I rumbled who you are? Or are you a maverick?

All three have trouble getting their heads through doors and also post long pointless threads hoping to impress people with their supposedly superior intellect.
At least it's inspired some good old fashioned meaty debate, if only by way of ranting anger.

You may be an arrogant, intolerant, ageist old c*nt, OF, but you do liven things up a bit
homer said:
At least it's inspired some good old fashioned meaty debate, if only by way of ranting anger.

You may be an arrogant, intolerant, ageist old c*nt, OF, but you do liven things up a bit
That's what I was thinking, he is ammusing for the forum.
He's like a angry beaver.
Maybe I am an old sad PC git. Maybe not. I believe in what I can see before me and not what someone has told me. I am a relativist and that means I am the manner of all things. That is to say I see the World from the basis of my own experience and from that the Spanish legal system ended up with the right result in a timely fashion.

Franco was a tosser true, but if I am ever accused of rape I am quite happy to be investigated under the Spanish legal system.

As for "Oadby Fox" when you have something to say say it, otherwise shut the f*ck up :!: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
homer said:
There's only one pig ignorant Leicester fan on this forum, and it is the originator of this post

Despite what you might think in your sad little world, some of us have actually been around for some time and know all about Lenny Glover, thank you very much. Fact is we would rather remember what a great player he was, and not what he has turned out to be. He deserves all he gets.

Quite why you think some of the younger posters on here would want to talk about him is a complete mystery. Do you really think they would get excited and post messages on here about someone who retired long before they were born ? Like the stream of "legends" who are constantly wheeled out at half time, they mean next to nothing unless you actually saw them play - they're just a name from the past. Respected because they played for the club, but not adored or held in awe.

The fact that people on here are concerned about the here and now hardly marks them out as morons, or ignorant in any way. In my experience it is the pitiful old fools who dwell continuously on the past who are usually the most ignorant of the lot - as you have proved to be by starting this pathetic thread.

Again it is a complete mystery why you assume that you are in some way better than anyone else, merely because you are older and have seen/experienced more things. Because you have seen Leicester play in the fifities, sixties and seventies, does that make you superior in any way ? Does that make your opinion more valid ?

My advice is to shut up, you sad old fool, go and change your incontinence pants, and get down the docs for some viagra

Good shout homer, my dad will bang for ages about the people on the pitch, how great this goal was etc, Im sure if i ever have kids they will ignore me when i go on about how great muzzy was for us.

BTW If glover did get involved with drugs, unlucky.
He deserves to go down.
i'm so sorry i get narked at someone insinuating i use drugs....and then saying i'm ignorant and thick. :roll: :?

ps: i'm not po-faced.....just don't like arrogance being shoved down me throat. :evil:

although thanks for your apology of accusing all the younger members of doing drugs.... :roll:
All this talk of Pigs & Drugs is getting me worried Oadby, are you beginning to emulate the psychotic behaviour of Charlie Manson?

Don't fight it....feel the Glover shit.....man
Oadby Fox said:
Some of you lot make me wanna chuck. Beaumont Fox with here po facedness, Malf who once again shows he can dish it out but can't take it and Steven with his politcally correct piffle.

The fact is that not one person amongst 630 registered posters on this board deemed the imprisonment of one of City's greatest ever players worthy of comment even though local and some national media carried the story for over 24 hours. And just look at the crap, repetitive threads that came on during this time.

I could not imagine this situation prevailing at any Premiership club. Your indifference to this event says a lot about you as fans (SHALLOW! SHALLOW! SHALLOW!) and reflects badly on LCFC.

A special word for Steven here: once you have got your arse out of Media Studies 101 try learning some real stuff and get into the real world. Pick up a history book and read about Franco whose legacy still pervades the Spanish justice system. Pick up a law book and read about the Napoleonic code (where you are guilty until proven innocent).

Pick up the phone to Fair Trials Abroad and ask them what they think of Spanish justice. Do some real work in the Mezzo Giorno countries and learn about small town corruption and how local lawyers and judges are at the top of this dirty tree.

And, if you ever get the contacts, ask the people who continued to chase this story for certain newspapers why they continued to do so.

Once you stop parroting mindless 'four legs good, two legs bad' pc cliches like 'racist and racist and er racist' Steven, you might find thinking for yourself a rewarding experience.

Do you feel superioir that instead if just posting a link tot the newstory and making people aware of it, you instead use it as a chance to sneer at the ignorance (?) of the very people you chose to spend your time sitting at a computer desk talking to.

The name Lenny Glover means very little to me, I know he is an ex Leicetser player but how am I pssibly supposed to care about him when I have never even seen him play? Perhaps some of us have more important things on our mind? You seem to be too pre-occupied with showing off and building up this mystique you seem to enjoy maintaining than to have posted any relevent view on the subject matter.

Oh and by the way, every time somebody opposses something that you agree with it is not okay to use the 'politically correct' card. You know these police I am sure you read about really don't exist, just a few level headed people who frown upon the odd racist comment .
Poor old OadbyFox, once bitten, never smitten.
Joe_Fox said:
Poor old OadbyFox, once bitten, never smitten.

I find Oadby Owls ammusing, I think I must be the only one. Brilliant for the forum, he's like a splinter of a plank of wood.
Malf said:
Joe_Fox said:
Poor old OadbyFox, once bitten, never smitten.

I find Oadby Owls ammusing, I think I must be the only one. Brilliant for the forum, he's like a splinter of a plank of wood.

What, that giant Rat?
Bandwidth :!: :roll:
Sorry, didn't realise how big it was. Enourmous isn't the word.
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