
What will happen next?

  • Dickov, Gillespie and Sinclair found guilty and sacked followed by relegation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dennis Wise to turn up at Micky Adams' house with a Gotcha Oscar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Three accusers to drop allegations and be arrested for wasting police time and resources

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Micky Adams to resign followed by relegation

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
Well no-one has done one yet so here goes....
read my posts and you'll see my views. I wouldn't be surprised if the charges were dropped and they sold their story to the NOTW or The Sun or the People and got £20k each from it.

Sorry to be cynical.
Sorry I had to vote for "Dennis Wise to turn up at Micky Adams' house with a Gotcha Oscar", why because I'm in a weird mood and it made me chuckle.

I'm still proud to be a City fan and hope these events are false.
Seeing as relegation is already a certainty...

"Micky Adams to resign followed by relegation"

sounds to me like the best option... or at least the one that I would choose...
teenfox said:
WWIII i chose!

Typical teeno, after the picture:

londonfox said:
Seeing as relegation is already a certainty...

We're ONE POINT below 17th place. If Micky uses adversity to motivate the team like he did last year we could easily stay up.

I've said it before, but I'm glad the players haven't given up as easily as you. I see a life of unemployment for you, you'll give up every job you have if things become a bit difficult.
webmaster said:
londonfox said:
Seeing as relegation is already a certainty...

We're ONE POINT below 17th place. If Micky uses adversity to motivate the team like he did last year we could easily stay up.

I've said it before, but I'm glad the players haven't given up as easily as you. I see a life of unemployment for you, you'll give up every job you have if things become a bit difficult.

Top drawer Webbo - those that throw in the towel now are more like Trees than Foxes..
We will stay up, that was a certainty before the events! They will all be cleared and all have a beer.
anyone going to Birmingham?
Well with the speed you got Micky's statement up, I'd say you were due to be haunted by the speed demon.

Webbo for england!
I'll be there - singing my fookin heart out....I'll do 'em alone I will, be prepared for stick, I know they're planning a big 'scum' chant....
alex said:
I'll be there - singing my fookin heart out....I'll do 'em alone I will, be prepared for stick, I know they're planning a big 'scum' chant....

Originality there then, good old Birmingham, always the armpit of England.
alex said:
I'll be there - singing my fookin heart out....I'll do 'em alone I will, be prepared for stick, I know they're planning a big 'scum' chant....

That's rich with the majority of them being brummies and all that. :lol:
webmaster said:
londonfox said:
Seeing as relegation is already a certainty...

I've said it before, but I'm glad the players haven't given up as easily as you. I see a life of unemployment for you, you'll give up every job you have if things become a bit difficult.

now now Webby... don't hold back, say what you really mean...
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