prem or div 1 next season

prem or div 1 next season?

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i think we'll just do it..... :lol:
Prem easy!
I think alot depends on who we sign over this transfer window.
I think there are three key areas that need strengthening in the team. These positions could be the difference between us going down or gaining mid table respectability.

Position 1 - right back
Impey and curtis have struggled in recent games. Our only other hope is sinclair but i have my reservations about franks distribution.

Position 2 - centre back
I think we need someone to partner scimeca. Although howey has been in good form recently he is too injury prone to rely on for the rest or the season. I'm not sure about elliot. he's either past it or still got something to offer. young matt heath and nicolas priet are good prospects but i don't think we should be relying on them to heavily.

Position 3 - Central Midfield
I think someone to partner muzzy in the middle is a must. Billy has been fantastic of late but he's not young enough to play regularly in the prem. I think callum can do a job in the middle but again i wouldn't want to rely on him for the rest of the season.

If we streengthen these three areas i really to believe we have a chance of mid table and above.
Dabizas could have just answered two of those points, shoring up the defence and allowing Scimeca to shore up the midfield....
All we need is a right back. Much as I love Impey, in a non-gay way (c) Malf, he is much better as a wing-back as it suits how he plays, not good enough to be a full back and not good enough to be a winger. Much like MON used to use him.

I hope MA has enough in the pot to get us a right back. :? :shock: :P :wink:
The thing is Curtis at times looks quality - I'm hoping it's a confidence thing and that a wee run will sort him out again...
alex said:
The thing is Curtis at times looks quality - I'm hoping it's a confidence thing and that a wee run will sort him out again...

When does Curtis look quality. He is absaloutely terrible on the ball and although at times his defending is Okay he is quite clearly not a Premiership player even when he is playing well.
I thought he was excellent against Leeds, Southampton and Chelsea (I think...) then, agreed, he went shit.

I do not believe MA would purchase players he didn't think were Premiership quality.
alex said:
I thought he was excellent against Leeds, Southampton and Chelsea (I think...) then, agreed, he went shit.

I do not believe MA would purchase players he didn't think were Premiership quality.

Everyone makes mistakes. Some more than others. Martin made very few and Taylor made loads. So far Adams has been pretty good but not all of his signings have been perfect. I think if he could go back to the summer he would sign every body again except Gillespie and Curtis. But then again I for one thought they were 2 of his better signings. Easy mistakes to make.
I have to agree with Tricky Trev and say that Curtis isn't Premiership quality. Fair enough, he's had a few solid games, but in others he has been a liabilty down that right side. His distribution of the ball is usually poor (not as bad as Mad Frank's though :lol: :wink: ) and he always backs of the opposition, which gives them time and space on the ball. He also lacks pace, which was cruelly exposed by Bernard who put in a corss for the Newcastle equaliser.

I know Impey isn't a rigthback, but at the moment he is a better option than Curtis IMO.

As for our survival....I think we can do it! It's not as if we've struggled to score goals or anything! We just need to be more resolute in holding leads, and we will be fine...... 8)
Try some herbal anti-stress tabs....maybe a massage? Get to the Foxes more, smoke more, drink more and have more sex...
Happy New Year all.

This season survival, next season push for europe. :wink:
Scowcroft said:
Sounds good to me......... :D

You might find it more difficult with the latter option though..... :wink:

Nah Scowey there's the channel tunnel, ferries and flights for two and a half of our english pence. :lol:
Billy Boy said:
Scowcroft said:
Sounds good to me......... :D

You might find it more difficult with the latter option though..... :wink:

Nah Scowey there's the channel tunnel, ferries and flights for two and a half of our english pence. :lol:

I was actually referring to Alex...... :wink:
Scowcroft said:
Billy Boy said:
Scowcroft said:
Sounds good to me......... :D

You might find it more difficult with the latter option though..... :wink:

Nah Scowey there's the channel tunnel, ferries and flights for two and a half of our english pence. :lol:

I was actually referring to Alex...... :wink:
You're right as well Scowie, if there's one thing more off-putting to the opposite sex than marriage, it's having a kid....I'll be lucky to get a once-yearly polish from now on... :wink:
alex said:
Scowcroft said:
Billy Boy said:
Scowcroft said:
Sounds good to me......... :D

You might find it more difficult with the latter option though..... :wink:

Nah Scowey there's the channel tunnel, ferries and flights for two and a half of our english pence. :lol:

I was actually referring to Alex...... :wink:
You're right as well Scowie, if there's one thing more off-putting to the opposite sex than marriage, it's having a kid....I'll be lucky to get a once-yearly polish from now on... :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, you would be lucky if you got are the wrong side of 30 afterall..... :wink:
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