For once I hope he gets his man. No disrespect to Keown, he has been good for us...he's just not the future. We need to release funds to get people in and settled before the start of next season, otherwise it will take us another half season to get any kind of settled stable team.
So Far;
---------------------------No GK---------------------------
No Right Mf---Gudjonnson----Williams------------Tiatto
---------------De Vries------------Connolly--------------
Tommy Wright
Morris(?) Not sure if his contract is up
*I haven't included Logan because he isn't very good*
Whilst I'm not bitterly dissapointed wiht that team, I do think we need to strengthen it sooner rather than later and give everything a chance to gel. Getting rid of Keown could provide the money to do this. Priorities must be central defenders for next season, another forward (DeVries has an injured reputation), A Goalkeeper (Obviously) and a right midfielder...though I would currently try to keep Gillespie.