sacking kelly/board is not answer

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a good footballing coach does not necessarily make the step up to be a good manager.
Said it before and i'll say again.

1pt from home games against Burnley, Colchester, and Hull city.
Take out the Ipswich game and we've scored 2 goals in 8 lge games.
Our main striker as scored 1 goal.

These are the stark facts that say without change we will be relegated

Smell the coffee Leicester city or face oblivion.
The board want to know if its Oblivion United or Oblivion City, and what food do they lay on....
Really? You reckon Leeds are among the three worst teams in this division?

The table doesn't lie is a fair comment to make after 30 games - it's just c*ntish after 9.

:038: :038: :038: :038:
Well we have tried changing the manager 3 times now since we went into admin, and each has been continually worse. The board do not have a football background, and the people running the club on a day-to-day basis have even less experience running a football club. Tim Davis and the Chairman might have both had successful careers outside football, but as everyone in the world knows football is no regular business!

Instead of appointing the new chairman in a fully paid role, the board should have brought in someone with a football background and knowledge from a different club. I’m sure there are examples of clubs in the Championship or L1 who are making money and it is these clubs who we should approach and attempt to get 'the person behind it'. Even if this person was paid more than n some of the players it would be well worth it to have a top class Chief Executive in charge, and I'm in no doubt this cost would be more than made up by the return brought in by someone who is at least half competent!

Every time I walk towards the stadium and hear that steel band playing my heart sinks a little, because just like everything else surrounding the club at the moment it represents a complete failure.

The football on the pitch is a failure, the half time entertainment is a failure, the communication with the fans is laughable and there is NO plan to get out of it. The board are blindly hoping that Kelly will pull a miracle out of the bag and get us in the top six. It just won't happen! And until the board realise that then we are really in the shite! That’s the real reason we are where we are today!

For example: In our premiership season we have 32,000 fans at every single home match. We sold our allocation on 90% of away matches and shirt sales hit a record level. This was all as a result of the 'new stadium' factor attracting new fans, the fact we were in the Premiership and because we were winning matches (the season before in Division 1). As a result of this for the Premiership season the club posted a profit of £5million pounds. Why was this profit not invested into the side during the January transfer window? As I recall MA said we had no money to get anyone, yet the club was clearly desperate for defenders. But at this time the board must have know that the club was going to make a profit for the season.

And now TD takes on more and more of the responsibility of running the club, bulking up his workload and no doubt his salary - but producing a continually poorer product. No one is saying TD doesn't have pressures, but what the club is attempting is just not coming of, and for this reason I now feel that TD needs to step down and actively look for a creditable replacement. I only say this as it is (IMO) unlikely the board will ever give up their status and all the perks they receive not only at Leicester but also at other clubs.

TD and the board have royally screwed things up... and this time I don't think Kelly is to blame because what more could he have done with the money he had?
These are the stark facts that say without change we will be relegated

The 'stark facts' based on the start of the season are that four teams are worse than us - because they're below us in the table. So how does that make us relegation certainties?

Based on what we've seen so far, the team is capable of being the worst in the division - but is also capable of playing much better. So to make a prediction based on the season so far is ridiculous, because we don't know which version of the team will appear from one match to the next.

We should be able to compete, our players are good enough, the 'no money' argument is bollocks, because I bet at least half the clubs in this league have lower wage budgets than us, and have also spent bugger all on players, so it has to be down to the manager and coaching staff to get things right.

I think we should stick with Kelly, changing managers all the time doesn't help - I just hope the manager learns from his mistakes. For example playing two defensive minded central midfielders may work away at places like Sunderland, but we shouldn't be playing like that at home to teams like Colchester, we should be trying to play football, rather than trying to stop them playing. Then keeping the two of them on for 90 minutes was another mistake, Hume could have come on into midfield, even Tiatto would have helped, at least he has some energy and puts himself about.
The 'stark facts' based on the start of the season are that four teams are worse than us - because they're below us in the table. So how does that make us relegation certainties?

Based on what we've seen so far, the team is capable of being the worst in the division - but is also capable of playing much better. So to make a prediction based on the season so far is ridiculous, because we don't know which version of the team will appear from one match to the next.

We should be able to compete, our players are good enough, the 'no money' argument is bollocks, because I bet at least half the clubs in this league have lower wage budgets than us, and have also spent bugger all on players, so it has to be down to the manager and coaching staff to get things right.

I think we should stick with Kelly, changing managers all the time doesn't help - I just hope the manager learns from his mistakes. For example playing two defensive minded central midfielders may work away at places like Sunderland, but we shouldn't be playing like that at home to teams like Colchester, we should be trying to play football, rather than trying to stop them playing. Then keeping the two of them on for 90 minutes was another mistake, Hume could have come on into midfield, even Tiatto would have helped, at least he has some energy and puts himself about.

Well keeping AJ on was a mistake. He was rubbish all match and everyone in the ground knew it! I think we should have Williams next to Weso and a proper right winger on the right (Josh Low). So mush for square pegs in square holes.
Well we have tried changing the manager 3 times now since we went into admin, and each has been continually worse. The board do not have a football background, and the people running the club on a day-to-day basis have even less experience running a football club. Tim Davis and the Chairman might have both had successful careers outside football, but as everyone in the world knows football is no regular business!

Instead of appointing the new chairman in a fully paid role, the board should have brought in someone with a football background and knowledge from a different club. I’m sure there are examples of clubs in the Championship or L1 who are making money and it is these clubs who we should approach and attempt to get 'the person behind it'. Even if this person was paid more than n some of the players it would be well worth it to have a top class Chief Executive in charge, and I'm in no doubt this cost would be more than made up by the return brought in by someone who is at least half competent!

Every time I walk towards the stadium and hear that steel band playing my heart sinks a little, because just like everything else surrounding the club at the moment it represents a complete failure.

The football on the pitch is a failure, the half time entertainment is a failure, the communication with the fans is laughable and there is NO plan to get out of it. The board are blindly hoping that Kelly will pull a miracle out of the bag and get us in the top six. It just won't happen! And until the board realise that then we are really in the shite! That’s the real reason we are where we are today!

For example: In our premiership season we have 32,000 fans at every single home match. We sold our allocation on 90% of away matches and shirt sales hit a record level. This was all as a result of the 'new stadium' factor attracting new fans, the fact we were in the Premiership and because we were winning matches (the season before in Division 1). As a result of this for the Premiership season the club posted a profit of £5million pounds. Why was this profit not invested into the side during the January transfer window? As I recall MA said we had no money to get anyone, yet the club was clearly desperate for defenders. But at this time the board must have know that the club was going to make a profit for the season.

And now TD takes on more and more of the responsibility of running the club, bulking up his workload and no doubt his salary - but producing a continually poorer product. No one is saying TD doesn't have pressures, but what the club is attempting is just not coming of, and for this reason I now feel that TD needs to step down and actively look for a creditable replacement. I only say this as it is (IMO) unlikely the board will ever give up their status and all the perks they receive not only at Leicester but also at other clubs.

TD and the board have royally screwed things up... and this time I don't think Kelly is to blame because what more could he have done with the money he had?

Agree with most of that.

The directors should have been questioning the abilities of those making the decisions (TD and Co) about 2 years ago.

The club as a whole is now relying on RK to polish a turd with one hand tied behind his back, things could get messy.
for the Premiership season the club posted a profit of £5million pounds. Why was this profit not invested into the side during the January transfer window?

The year before that we made a loss of £4.1 million (after coming out of administration). So the Premiership profit went into paying off debts incurred the previous year.
If we'd spent that money on players we'd be in a worse financial situation than we are in now. You might say if we'd have spent the money on players we wouldn't have gone down, but we'll never really know that for sure, and the club would have been foolish to spend money on players rather than pay off debts at that stage, we could have ended up in administration again.
We can all accept that we have no money, we can all accept that our players are capable of playing better than they are. Lets say we have no sugar daddy or investor/buyer and things are to remain the same as far as ownership is concerned

Who's job is it to make sure the players play better
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The 'stark facts' based on the start of the season are that four teams are worse than us - because they're below us in the table. So how does that make us relegation certainties?

Based on what we've seen so far, the team is capable of being the worst in the division - but is also capable of playing much better. So to make a prediction based on the season so far is ridiculous, because we don't know which version of the team will appear from one match to the next.

We should be able to compete, our players are good enough, the 'no money' argument is bollocks, because I bet at least half the clubs in this league have lower wage budgets than us, and have also spent bugger all on players, so it has to be down to the manager and coaching staff to get things right.

I think we should stick with Kelly, changing managers all the time doesn't help - I just hope the manager learns from his mistakes. For example playing two defensive minded central midfielders may work away at places like Sunderland, but we shouldn't be playing like that at home to teams like Colchester, we should be trying to play football, rather than trying to stop them playing. Then keeping the two of them on for 90 minutes was another mistake, Hume could have come on into midfield, even Tiatto would have helped, at least he has some energy and puts himself about.

Top post Jeff. How long would you stick with Kelly ?? I have to say I have serious concerns regarding RK.

It is well documented that he was a reluctant hero last season and never really seemed like he wanted the job on a permanent basis, now as the going gets tough I have fears that Kelly does not have the stomach for the battle and that this could eminate to the players.

Losing Graydon was a massive blow, but Kelly had an opportunity to replace him and in appointing Ian Millar it appears he has made a massive error in judgement. Millar's last two roles have been as Assistant to Colin Hendry at Blackpool which was a shambolic period and No2 at Bury, a team that struggled to maintain their league status, hardly a glowing reference.

I think there has to be serious dialogue between the board and RK over this up coming International break as to his aspirations, does he really want to be the manager or not. If from those discussions RK intimates he does want to continue in the role then I think he should be given until xmas to turn the situation around.

If, as I suspect, he admits that he is not suited to management then I suggest the club, in it's current position looks to make appointment that will provide much needed stability, going for an experienced head like Joe Royle or Brian Little.
The 'stark facts' based on the start of the season are that four teams are worse than us - because they're below us in the table. So how does that make us relegation certainties?

Based on what we've seen so far, the team is capable of being the worst in the division - but is also capable of playing much better. So to make a prediction based on the season so far is ridiculous, because we don't know which version of the team will appear from one match to the next.

We should be able to compete, our players are good enough, the 'no money' argument is bollocks, because I bet at least half the clubs in this league have lower wage budgets than us, and have also spent bugger all on players, so it has to be down to the manager and coaching staff to get things right.

I think we should stick with Kelly, changing managers all the time doesn't help - I just hope the manager learns from his mistakes. For example playing two defensive minded central midfielders may work away at places like Sunderland, but we shouldn't be playing like that at home to teams like Colchester, we should be trying to play football, rather than trying to stop them playing. Then keeping the two of them on for 90 minutes was another mistake, Hume could have come on into midfield, even Tiatto would have helped, at least he has some energy and puts himself about.

Great Post Jeff. I have to agree with keeping Kelly in argument, the constant whirlwind of managers in and out is not going to help. If anything this season City need a season of constitency, not just results but personnel and management team. They are young lads and if we can have a season where we hold on for dear life to stay here, then we will be better all for it. The young lads need a harden pro to lead them through (I thought Andy Johnson would provide this but hes fecking dire).

I hope we can hold onto Championship status, hit some run of form this year and steer us into Top 15. I'd be honest I expected no more than a Top 18 finish, in City's current position it wouldnt be a bad thing. I have said the club would benefit from a few more season in this division, we dont want to 'gamble' again on the Premiership to suffer the same fate again, Admin.

The board have made numerous mistakes and regardless of the performances on the pitch and management mistakes. They have provided numbless, stupid feckers off it in gaining fans and trying to 'keep' fans. All well and nice offering deals but like anything, the deal must be quality. You wouldnt buy a crap CD which you wouldnt like because it costed £4.
Well if Milan Mandaric arrives with money and Alan Curbishley I won't be too unhappy.
Well if Milan Mandaric arrives with money and Alan Curbishley I won't be too unhappy.

I personally feel we are currently dreaming on this scale. Even if Mandaric did takeover the club, he wouldnt change the manager straight the way and his managerial appointments have been dodgy, Alan Perrin for one.
I personally feel we are currently dreaming on this scale. Even if Mandaric did takeover the club, he wouldnt change the manager straight the way and his managerial appointments have been dodgy, Alan Perrin for one.

Perrin kept Pompey up.....And he's doing well in France, he wasn't that bad....His other was Redknapp.
Get rid of all the feckers and start again, they all piss me off. I'm now at the stage where I don't fecking care who is running and playing at my club so long as it aint any of the feckers that are there now
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