Well-Known Member
Hi All, Just wanted to post this:
One of your guys came to thesaintsforum and was bigging it up about him, how sh*t our star players were, how cr*p the dell was and just really sl*gging us off.
I worked up near Leicester for a long time and have always thought the people to be nice and welcoming. There are always idiots everywhere.
For what it's worth, we have had many dealings with Mandaric especially during the Harry Redcrap debacle. One thing I would say is, when it comes to Saints, don't trust Milan. He hates us with a passion. But IMO that comes from his run in with Lowe, so, we know how he feels. He should drop his hatred of us and concentrate on you guys.
I notice all your wants in regards to the transfer market, just to remind you, when he was at Pompey, he got in 34+ year olds and loans. No real money spent. But hey, they did get promoted.
Good luck this season, still thought Shilts was class and glad he came to us. You guys will always be noted for bringing him and Gary Lineaker through, quality!
He got that bit right, at least, then
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