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I can't begin to describe what i would want done to these sub human pricks.

Sitting in a comfy prison cell which is more attractive than living in Sunderland anyway is no way to reward such vile people.

Im disgusted with some of the people in this supposed civilised country.
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I can't begin to describe what i would want done to these sub human pricks.

Sitting in a comfy prison cell which is more attractive than living in Sunderland anyway is no way to reward such vile people.

Im disgusted with some of the people in this suposed civilised country.

Same. Its about time the law started handing out punishments to fit the crime. I think the death penalty shold come back too.
I wish I was shocked. I'm saddened, but not shocked.
I wish I was shocked. I'm saddened, but not shocked.

I know exactly what you mean, it's almost coming to the point where i expect to see it every day i read the news, never been so glad to be ****ing off in a few weeks time.
Bring back a bloody good deterrent, like hanging.....I'll operate the ****ing trapdoor for scum like these:098:
Bring back a bloody good deterrent, like hanging.....I'll operate the ****ing trapdoor for scum like these:098:

Hanging isn't a deterrent, in the same way that life imprisonment isn't.

If a society resorts to such a barbaric practice it lowers itself to the same level as the pondlife it is seeking retribution against.
Hanging isn't a deterrent, in the same way that life imprisonment isn't.

If a society resorts to such a barbaric practice it lowers itself to the same level as the pondlife it is seeking retribution against.

I can live knowing that, I say hang the ****ers, or an injection because that takes longer and can go wrong and inflict terrible agony on the tossers
Make them go on Big Brother but only tell them at the end they're not allowed the prize.

That wouldn't just irk them, it would rankle too.
Make them go on Big Brother but only tell them at the end they're not allowed the prize.

That wouldn't just irk them, it would rankle too.

Yep, a good old fashioned irksome rankling, now that is a deterrent.
Yep, a good old fashioned irksome rankling, now that is a deterrent.
It is the kind of thing that would keep me up at night.

That, and the worry that someone made a fortune from Pet Rock and I can't think of a single money-making scheme.

It'll sure stop the ****ers re offending :038:

So will locking them away for the rest of their natural.

The point is, a death penalty wouldn't have stopped them killing that poor young fellah in the first place.
So will locking them away for the rest of their natural.

The point is, a death penalty wouldn't have stopped them killing that poor young fellah in the first place.

Save millions in tax payers money who fund their PS3's, 3 meals a day, central heating, arround the clock protection, roof over their heads, clothing, pool tables, showers, etc.
I think there is a distinct difference between punishment and prevention.

No, killing these people wouldn't have prevented them killing this other geezer, but we must all be responsible for our own actions and face up to the responsibility/punishment that comes as a result of those actions. The poor guy is dead and his life's over, but those people still need to be punished.

There is nothing these scum can be taught from punishment, there is no learning process to go through, no rehab, no second chance. They committed the big one and must be punished accordingly, if that is death, then so be it.

When speeding in my car, I know I run the risk of a fine and points. If this was punishable by death instead, then absolutely 100% no way would I speed. OTT analogy, but I'm sure you get my point.
Save millions in tax payers money who fund their PS3's, 3 meals a day, central heating, arround the clock protection, roof over their heads, clothing, pool tables, showers, etc.

It would also cost millions upon millions more to cover the legal costs of protracted appeals.

Jails won't be closed down just because they started executing murderers so no saving there.

I've got two cousins doing life in Gartree and I can assure you they don't have PS3s
IMO taking another person's life is wrong and nobody should have the power to do so under any circumstances.
IMO taking another person's life is wrong and nobody should have the power to do so under any circumstances.
Exactly, but the moment you take somebody else's life without permission, wouldn't you say you give up the right to yours?
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