season tickets

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fitz said:
mine arrived yesterday, has anyone got a priority card with theirs or is it all just on computer now?

I didn't get a priority card either. I emailled the club last night to ask about it. I hope they will reply this morning and will let you know what they say.
bocadillo said:
I understand that the season ticket booklets are being sent out in numerical order - mine, received yesterday is no. 09218. If the reported sales of 12,000 are true, this suggests that they have sent out just over ¾ of them.

That sounds about right, mine arrived today and it's 093something, no priority card just a crap letter and an even crapper totally uninspiring flyer for the new shirt.
lazzer said:
pony express made it through then ;)
If it has, it hasn't made it all the way around Melton yet, I still think A-Z has kidnapped my postie to stop the tickets getting to me
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Melton Fox said:
If it has, it hasn't made it all the way around Melton yet, I still think A-Z has kidnapped my postie to stop the tickets getting to me

Still safely under lock and key :icon_bigg
Finally got mine. :038:
what is this personalised fixture list someone mentioned? I don't see it.
bocadillo said:
I understand that the season ticket booklets are being sent out in numerical order - mine, received yesterday is no. 09218. If the reported sales of 12,000 are true, this suggests that they have sent out just over ¾ of them.

can't be,

we got ours nearly three weeks ago. and as far as we knew no-one we asked got their til last week.(and that's people who renewed before we did)
and what i don't understand is me and Ben renewed ours at the same time, so why is there 130 numbers between our booklets?

anyhoo this priority card malarky....the ticket office person didn't give us ours back:icon_eek: when we went in to renew so they'd better have it all on pc cos i ain't having a naff priority 3 card!
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beaumontfox said:
can't be,

we got ours nearly three weeks ago. and as far as we knew no-one we asked got their til last week.(and that's people who renewed before we did)
and what i don't understand is me and Ben renewed ours at the same time, so why is there 130 numbers between our booklets?

A difference of 130 in booklets issued at the same time can easily be explained - the 8 different windows take, say, 20 booklets at a time from the main pile.

If you got your tickets 3 weeks ago, I am willing to bet that your booklet serial numbers are within the first two or three thousand. Do you sit in the East Stand?
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P Pld Pts
3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00