I cannot rememer a match where having 4 strikers on helped, when the opposition does it, it makes me smile. Smells of desperation.
Hume may be popular and always shows commitment, scores more than our others and his setpieces are pretty effective at present, but he is useless on the wing and cannot cross, passes poorly and is selfish with the ball. He should either play as a striker or as a freeranging midfielder in a five man midfield. Fryatt is not a winger.
I pray that against Coventry we play with a Midfield! I believe that IH is a good manager. The rot is elsewhere at the club, a series of substandard signings and an eccentric Millionaire who cannot resist interfering.
It is scary that the debt is Leicesters rather than MMs. Relegation is not as bad as Administration and possible extinction. Much as I want to see Fulop back it is not worth going bankrupt over him.
How bad is Nielson? I never saw him play, and Logan was better than Henderson, but hard to get enthusiastic about any of our goalkeepers.