Southampton Post Match Thread

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When are people going to give the manager some time and an opportunity to start trying to turn around what can only be described as a collection of utter shite.

He has inherited a squad devoid of balance, talent and hunger. But it is the 6th January and he has told 6 of the wasters to feck off, he has signed 3 new players and one or even two more likely to sign within the next 24 / 48 hours.

The truth is the blame lies with Mandaric and Allen for squandering a considerable amount of money on such a collection of complete shite and failing to plug the glaringly obvious gaps in the squad.

Ollie like Megson is well capable of turning this around but has to be given the time and opportunity to freshen up and rebuild the squad. Megson was forced to play ultra defensively to try and get results and was roundly criticsed, Ollie is having to play players out of position because of the lack of balnce in the squad and because reults and performances aren't what the fans expect then he is in the firing line.

What it should prove to the fans is that even two managers with good records at this level are struggling to make an immediate impact then it should highlight just what a shambles this club is in.

I agree with all that. Managers arrive here full of optimism and then they discover that the playing staff is much worse than they had thought. I guess they had been told by Madaric that they are the man and it just needs sorting.

Holloway has to be given time now to see if he can steer us from being relegated. However, in his occupation no one has an infinite amount of time if the results are poor and just because his position is next to impossible, doesn't prove he is going to be a decent manager for us.
The thing that worries me, is whilst Megson didn't give us anything exciting to watch, he somehow got the defence tightened up and they looke better than they had for a long time, so we knew we had a pretty good chance of getting something from the games. Then he fecks off(And good riddance!)and the new bloke comes in, and we are even worse now than we were at any time last season, let alone this season!

I know Holloway has got 'find' out what his best team is, but when he came in the one part that didn't need any real tinkering was the defence, and yet he still changed that along with everything else.

Still, he knows by now what is needed so hopefully he will get in the right players in the next couple of weeks. It certainly doesn't help that a couple of his players don't seem to give a toss, but his options are limited so he has no choice but to play them.
you can't find a 'best team' from a squad with no midfielders or wingers of quality. truth is, we have about 2 players that would get in any one elses squad. howard has scored hundreds of goals at championship level and will continue to do so if we get 3 new players in of quality in midfield
The thing that worries me, is whilst Megson didn't give us anything exciting to watch, he somehow got the defence tightened up and they looke better than they had for a long time, so we knew we had a pretty good chance of getting something from the games.

And look how many thanks he got for that tactic. I remember pretty much everyone being glad we ditched the 5-3-2 formation, it was that tactic that got us the clean sheets.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't at this club.
Have we reached Mad Mandy's anniversary yet? Surely it's about due.

Can I be the first to congratulate the loon for the most inept year of abysmal Chairmanship in the clubs history. I never thought I'd see someone who could make the likes of Elsom and Shipman appear competant, but he's managed it.

The players, fans, managers, coaches, tea ladies, etc have all been badly let down by an old man who has put this club in more critical danger than ever before. Let us not forget that we are in a relegation scrap yet again. This time however, we are in one with a serious chance of going out of business altogether if we fail. The debts accrued by the Mad old fecker over the last few months are horrific. Everybody needs to be aware that these are club debts, not his debts.

He is without doubt the worst thing to happen to this club ever. He is doing more damage than Twatlor ever did. Virtually every decision he makes takes us further backwards as a club.

This shambles is not the fault of any of the numerous managers employed by him. Nor the vast number of players he's bankrolled. The blame lies squarely with him and him alone and the sooner people gather with force to shift him, the better.

The problem is that it will take money to shift him, not force. Not that I agree at all with a single word that you say. The problems with the club go far further back that when MM first became interested. It may be true that he hasn't sorted things out as quickly as any of us might have hoped, but that doesn't make it his fault.
The thing that worries me, is whilst Megson didn't give us anything exciting to watch, he somehow got the defence tightened up and they looke better than they had for a long time, so we knew we had a pretty good chance of getting something from the games. Then he fecks off(And good riddance!)and the new bloke comes in, and we are even worse now than we were at any time last season, let alone this season!

I know Holloway has got 'find' out what his best team is, but when he came in the one part that didn't need any real tinkering was the defence, and yet he still changed that along with everything else.

Still, he knows by now what is needed so hopefully he will get in the right players in the next couple of weeks. It certainly doesn't help that a couple of his players don't seem to give a toss, but his options are limited so he has no choice but to play them.

But for Megson to achieve that he pretty much put out a side that at times contained 6 or 7 defenders and whilst it seemed to work in making us hard to beat, it did bring him no end of abuse and some of the most negative and dull football ever witnessed.

The truth is we are shite even after MM's supposed revolution the majority of our better players are still the players bought in by Levein and Kelly, which speaks volumes for the current mess we find ourselves in. Not only has Ollie got to come in and shake up the squad built by Levein and Kelly which proved to be not good enough but now he is also hindered by the 15 or so useless tossers that Mandy and Allen fecking signed.
The defense doesn't trust Henderson at all. I am sure the 2nd goal was an own goal as well.

The last thing it touched was the head of a defender - that much is true.
It may be true that he hasn't sorted things out as quickly as any of us might have hoped, but that doesn't make it his fault.

The rot had well and truely set in before MM arrived. He hasn't helped the situation but as you say the blame can't be laid at his door entirely.
Radio Leicester saying they can't understand why everyones so hung up on the keeper being a main issue.

Are they for real.

I don't think the keeper was the main issue yesterday - the whole ****ing lot of them were the main issue.
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Haven't posted on the OS since summertime, read it about once a week but it's full of chavvy prats who can't string a sentence together and post thirty odd threads on the same damn topic when only one will do!:bang::bang:

People do the same here - it's just that TB has a better class of moderator that the OS.
On a more positive note I read on one of those Southampton sites that McAuley made a great tackle from behind to deny them a goal at one stage in the game. A tiny speck of light in a rather large cavern of gloom. :icon_conf

Used a 'gangly leg' according to John Barber!
Shows how bad things have got when one of our defenders makes a tackle and it gets a special mention!
What possessed you to take your girlfriend to a Leicester game!?

i promised to take her to a high quality proffessional game of fotball so she could see what it was all about,..................................i have the tickets for next weeks game at exeter in my pocket:icon_bigg
my words to her after we walked away from the ground were " i gareentee that if you ever come to watch city again they cant be as bad as you have seen them today, which now also makes me a liar.
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