Fixes Reform Trust email:
Dear All,
Update (1 February 2025)
The Motion to make Board members accountable to members.
Naturally we are disappointed with the result of the rule change vote - and we are particularly disappointed that the board chose to oppose this change. They should all be ashamed of themselves... clinging to their positions and avoiding accountability.
This vote was a big opportunity to attract new members to a democratic trust offering accountability. It was sad to see the board believing they each have so much wisdom that they should continue to represent fans even where the fans wish them to go. It is clear we have some way to go to change the view of those who say the trust is a “cozy club”.... but we accept the challenge, as now more than ever, we need a strong and democratic trust.
We would like to thank all those who supported the motion. This issue will not go away - as support grows we are sure this motion will become a part of our rules. It's about democracy and accountability.
The trust have proposed a “governance review” – yet that is likely to take some time – and we are sure that the Trust will use it to oppose any further attempts to change the rules of the Trust. Let’s see.
The current situation
On a wider note we have made good progress this year - with Becky, Harry and Jamie on the board - Bason is no longer the chair... and we are encouraged by the chairmanship of Lynn and Steve – however it is clear that there is still a majority of board members resisting change and accountability.
We do expect further board seats to become available and this will enable us to shift the balance of views on the board… so that the Trust becomes a campaigning and challenging force that will hold the club to account and represent the views of the fans.
We should all encourage our friends to join the trust and to join the email list of the reform group (email [email protected] ) – this will strengthen our position.
We set out the following issues for our focus:
A Challenging Trust: Many of the current action by the trust are “internal” (computer systems, organisation, membership etc.) yet we believe that most fans wish to see the Trust standing up and challenging the Club. To this end we believe that the Trust must be prepared to publically criticise the Club and champion a number of fan issues – PR is key.
The fear of losing favour: The Trust has practiced a policy of not publically arguing with the club for fear of being “cold shouldered” – yet this approach has not worked. In fact the club has a coercive relationship with the Trust – it is time for the Trust to stand up to the Club.
The FAB: In September 2924 the club sprang rule changes on the Trust relating to the control of the FAB. The Trust admit that they were divided in how to respond and eventually caved-in and accepted the club’s proposals. This was a mistake – it was in fact a moment to show the club that the Trust was not going to be pushed around. As a result we now have a FAB excessively controlled by the Club - and the club will now say that some discussion topics are only for it’s tame FAB. As a result we believe that nothing positive can come from the FAB in its current form and that the Trust should speak out and say so. The trust should complain about the club’s behaviour to the FSA and publically.
Working with other fan Groups: We believe that he Trust must increase the frequency of meetings with other fan groups so that it can co-ordinate activity and issues.
Membership: We remain keen to see a more radical approach to membership costs and renewals so that the Trust can increase membership. It is clear from the motion vote that the email database of the Trust needs urgent attention. Similarly a better fan survey should identify fan opinions and popular issues.
Board positions: While reform minded board members can now press for reform, we will seek to place further board members on to the board and may well return to the rule changes required to increase the accountability of the board. For those on the board who seek to block reform… their days will be numbered. At worst two or three seats will be contested at the next AGM – these will be filled by reform candidates – by the AGM we will hold the ring!
Organisation of the Reform group
When we started the reform group we set out a vision to change the trust to a campaigning group representing all fans and holding the club to account. Many fans joined the trust to help and we are grateful for the support.
It is now important to understand that Jamie, Harry and Becky and bound by the board’s code of contact and so it is difficult for them to publically criticise the board. We would like those of you with time to consider working with Simon on making responses on social media and forums and also to consider joining trust working groups. Please think about it and email
[email protected].
Thank you for your support – please renew you membership of the trust and urge you friends to join. Tell them to email [email protected] to join the Reform email list. We are making progress.
Foxes Trust Reform