The Daily Mail

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Well-Known Member
I hate the Mail. I'm sure most people do, but I think that it's a disgusting excuse for a 'newspaper'. And if I didn't hate it enough already, they go and prove how vile they are with this.

Millions of people read it though, and believe what they read, even though it's full of made up bollocks.

Some newspapers make up harmless stuff (London bus found on the moon, Freddie Starr ate my hamster etc), the Mail do it in a way that stirs up hatred and intolerance.

I read the Mail on Sunday, I agree with some of it, disagree with other bits, don't bother reading large chunks of it because I'm not interested. It's no different to any other paper in that respect.

Just because some people don't agree with it's viewpoint doesn't mean
a) It's all lies.
b) It shouldn't be allowed.
Wow, I thought they were cleared. I'm glad the mail let us know the truth.
I read the Mail on Sunday, I agree with some of it, disagree with other bits, don't bother reading large chunks of it because I'm not interested. It's no different to any other paper in that respect.

Just because some people don't agree with it's viewpoint doesn't mean
a) It's all lies.
b) It shouldn't be allowed.

Are you defending the stuff FryattFox linked to?

I would have thought that would make every Daily Mail reader think twice about believing anything they read in that paper.
Are you defending the stuff FryattFox linked to?

I would have thought that would make every Daily Mail reader think twice about believing anything they read in that paper.

They wrote 2 stories to cover whichever way the verdict went and by accident posted the wrong one, a bit embarrassing for them possibly, but hardly crime of the century. If it had been any other paper nobody would have batted an eyelid.

I find this obsession with the Mail a bit boring actually.
They wrote 2 stories to cover whichever way the verdict went and by accident posted the wrong one, a bit embarrassing for them possibly, but hardly crime of the century. If it had been any other paper nobody would have batted an eyelid.

If they'd just written two stories and published the wrong one by mistake that would be understandable.

But to fill the article with "quotes" that quite clearly were made up is inexcusable and I'm surprised you think it's OK. I'd have said the same thing about any other paper.
Just because some people don't agree with it's viewpoint doesn't mean
a) It's all lies.
b) It shouldn't be allowed.

Nobody has suggested that the Mail is all lies because they don't agree with its viewpoint, it's because it is a vile rag, full of rancid lies.
They wrote 2 stories to cover whichever way the verdict went and by accident posted the wrong one, a bit embarrassing for them possibly, but hardly crime of the century. If it had been any other paper nobody would have batted an eyelid.

I find this obsession with the Mail a bit boring actually.

You clearly did not read what I posted then.
Looking at that site the guy seems obsessed with the Mail, with a couple of bits about about the Express chucked in for balance. Honestly, get a life.
Nobody has suggested that the Mail is all lies because they don't agree with its viewpoint, it's because it is a vile rag, full of rancid lies.

Seeing as you don't believe in censorship, you should support their right to say whatever they want.
Looking at that site the guy seems obsessed with the Mail, with a couple of bits about about the Express chucked in for balance. Honestly, get a life.

I don't give a f*ck what obsessions he has. Assuming that what he posted in this instance is genuine, and I haven't seen any comments or suggestions that it isn't, it's a disgusting abuse of power and journalistic trust. To post quotes from the prosecution that were completely made up is awful, awful reporting, and God only knows what their tabloid news is like if a main headline story can be this embellished.
When did I say any different?
I'm glad we agree.

I'll always support the Mail because when The Sun, The Times, The Express were all kissing Nu Labours arse the Mail were the only news organisation holding that bunch of incompetent hypocrites to account. For that we should all be grateful.
I don't give a f*ck what obsessions he has. Assuming that what he posted in this instance is genuine, and I haven't seen any comments or suggestions that it isn't, it's a disgusting abuse of power and journalistic trust. To post quotes from the prosecution that were completely made up is awful, awful reporting, and God only knows what their tabloid news is like if a main headline story can be this embellished.


"Justice has been done" and "on a human factor it was sad two young people would be spending years in jail". awful, awful really? Do you think the Mail is the only paper that does that?

Anyway I really don't care. Read whatever paper you like and I'll save my hatred for something important.
"Justice has been done" and "on a human factor it was sad two young people would be spending years in jail". awful, awful really?


Do you think the Mail is the only paper that does that?


Anyway I really don't care. Read whatever paper you like and I'll save my hatred for something important.

Judging by your choice of Sunday paper, that'll be immigrants, benefit cheats and avoiding cancer.
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