The Daily Mail

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View attachment 8323Anyway I really don't care. Read whatever paper you like and I'll save my hatred for something important.
Absolutely, I get grief from my left of centre associates for reading the telegraph, I like the crossword and the obituaries, yes there is a right leaning, but if you can't see through that or the grauniads Pravda lectures you probably shouldn't be left unsupervised on toilet visits....
I find that Razzle puts the world in perspective in a way that the tabloids and for that matter the broadsheets just cannot match
I'm glad we agree.

I'll always support the Mail because when The Sun, The Times, The Express were all kissing Nu Labours arse the Mail were the only news organisation holding that bunch of incompetent hypocrites to account. For that we should all be grateful.

I couldn't agree more.
Newspapers are for ****s.
I won't go into all the arguments for the Tweedeledum of the Daily Mail (patriotic and good on heritage) and theTweedle Dee of The Guardian (environmentalist and good on social justice) which went on interminably in the Film Fan thread. I would just say that their good points are overwhelmingly ourweighed by the bad. Both are deplorable.

The Daily Mail panders to the prejudices of the rank and file right wing supporter and The Guardian to the prejudices of the rank and file left wing supporter. People obviously object to one or the other according to their own prejudices. This is not as harmless as it sounds. They both work as "agencies of reinforcement" - day after day you read the stories that feed your own bias. I would suggest that this is true of other British newspapers as well. The only British national newspaper I respect is The Telegraph. Its news stories are kept as free of bias as possible, the writing is of a high standard and I believe there are standards it keeps to. .Its comment pages are as biased as any other but since my inclinations tend toward Labour it is good to read some Tory opinions.

It has been suggested that if you do not like the Daily Mail you should not read it. Perhaps it is left wingers who should read The Mail and right wingers who should read The Guardian. Unfortunately British newspaper owners buy a newspaper as a mouthpeice for their opinions rather than for commercial reasons.

The problem is that the important British newspapers are national. That way they can divide up to appeal to people's prejudices. In America (with the excepotion of New York) it is different. People have a caricature of the average Daily Mail reader or the average Guardian reader which through the reinforcement of day after day bias is too often true. You cannot imagine the average Boston Herald or San Jose Chronicle reader. They go out of their way to give differing points of view in a way that would be quite foreign ro British newspapers.

For me the best newspaper I have come across is The Washington Post. Because of the special nature of its audience its coverage of foreign affairs is superb (a weakness in some American newspapers). What is more its comment pages have two section "Left Leaning Opinions" "Right Leaning Opinions".

There are those on both sides who are certain that the views of their paper on immigration, Europe, asylum seekiers, the Bill Of Rights, The Middle East, the riots and electoral reform are right and the other side wrong I would give a note of caution: nobody ever understands the period they are living in. If History proves you only got 49% wrong you are doing well.

Because this is a long post and I have done other long posts on it before I will make this my only post on this thread ending with with seven words "Aren't we lucky to have the BBC".
I won't go into all the arguments for the Tweedeledum of the Daily Mail (patriotic and good on heritage) and theTweedle Dee of The Guardian (environmentalist and good on social justice) which went on interminably in the Film Fan thread. I would just say that their good points are overwhelmingly ourweighed by the bad. Both are deplorable.

The Daily Mail panders to the prejudices of the rank and file right wing supporter and The Guardian to the prejudices of the rank and file left wing supporter. People obviously object to one or the other according to their own prejudices. This is not as harmless as it sounds. They both work as "agencies of reinforcement" - day after day you read the stories that feed your own bias. I would suggest that this is true of other British newspapers as well. The only British national newspaper I respect is The Telegraph. Its news stories are kept as free of bias as possible, the writing is of a high standard and I believe there are standards it keeps to. .Its comment pages are as biased as any other but since my inclinations tend toward Labour it is good to read some Tory opinions.

It has been suggested that if you do not like the Daily Mail you should not read it. Perhaps it is left wingers who should read The Mail and right wingers who should read The Guardian. Unfortunately British newspaper owners buy a newspaper as a mouthpeice for their opinions rather than for commercial reasons.

The problem is that the important British newspapers are national. That way they can divide up to appeal to people's prejudices. In America (with the excepotion of New York) it is different. People have a caricature of the average Daily Mail reader or the average Guardian reader which through the reinforcement of day after day bias is too often true. You cannot imagine the average Boston Herald or San Jose Chronicle reader. They go out of their way to give differing points of view in a way that would be quite foreign ro British newspapers.

For me the best newspaper I have come across is The Washington Post. Because of the special nature of its audience its coverage of foreign affairs is superb (a weakness in some American newspapers). What is more its comment pages have two section "Left Leaning Opinions" "Right Leaning Opinions".

There are those on both sides who are certain that the views of their paper on immigration, Europe, asylum seekiers, the Bill Of Rights, The Middle East, the riots and electoral reform are right and the other side wrong I would give a note of caution: nobody ever understands the period they are living in. If History proves you only got 49% wrong you are doing well.

Because this is a long post and I have done other long posts on it before I will make this my only post on this thread ending with with seven words "Aren't we lucky to have the BBC".

What, no what, this was the paper that supported Hitler until the outbreak of hostilities in 1939, I usually ignore everything you post but this is beyond the pale, total crap! I would say more but the rules say attack the post not the poster.
I hate the Mail. I'm sure most people do, but I think that it's a disgusting excuse for a 'newspaper'. And if I didn't hate it enough already, they go and prove how vile they are with this.


The odds for all of that happening if they would have been jailed must have been very low, so is it not possible that they were just going to edit the bits that didn't happen rather than writing just the story from scratch? I know a lot of journalists write a rough outline when they need to get a story out quickly. The quotes, for example, are pretty much standard for prosecutors to say after a conviction.

I hate the Daily Mail too, as I said just a couple of weeks ago.
What, no what, this was the paper that supported Hitler until the outbreak of hostilities in 1939, I usually ignore everything you post but this is beyond the pale, total crap! I would say more but the rules say attack the post not the poster.
I don't wish to defend the scaremongering bunch of hateful, bigoted ****s, but surely any tags applicable to them over seven decades ago should be reevaluated every so often? After all, if you display bigotry of your own you can hardly accuse others, correct?
I won't go into all the arguments for the Tweedeledum of the Daily Mail (patriotic and good on heritage) and theTweedle Dee of The Guardian (environmentalist and good on social justice) which ... as far as I got in your post before writing it off as a a steaming pile of pap. The Mail is not the counterbalance to the Guardian and if you can't see that then you aren't as clever as I thought you were.
Perhaps it is left wingers who should read The Mail and right wingers who should read The Guardian.

Perhaps we should all move on from using fallacious, irrelevant paradigms* like 'Left vs Right'.

... seven words "Aren't we lucky to have the BBC".

Yes, in the same way that the USSR was lucky to have Pravda.

*makes an another shameless play for the **** of the Year award in BG's absence
The odds for all of that happening if they would have been jailed must have been very low, so is it not possible that they were just going to edit the bits that didn't happen rather than writing just the story from scratch? I know a lot of journalists write a rough outline when they need to get a story out quickly. The quotes, for example, are pretty much standard for prosecutors to say after a conviction.

It's a nice idea, but the point is they didn't. I very much doubt that they had two stories ready, finished editing and adding actual quotes to the Not Guilty version, and then accidently submitted the Guilty version.

They clearly just had two versions ready with 'quotes' and 'facts', and just posted the wrong one; probably with the plan to add to it as the quotes came in.
They clearly just had two versions ready with 'quotes' and 'facts', and just posted the wrong one; probably with the plan to add to it as the quotes came in.

Yes, I'm sure that you are absolutely correct FF.
Do keep in mind though that every other newspaper in circulation will also have done exactly the same thing, with the made-up facts and quotes also preprepared.
Perhaps we should all move on from using fallacious, irrelevant paradigms* like 'Left vs Right'.

Yes, in the same way that the USSR was lucky to have Pravda.

*makes an another shameless play for the **** of the Year award in BG's absence
:icon_lol: ****.
Some newspapers make up harmless stuff (London bus found on the moon, Freddie Starr ate my hamster etc), the Mail do it in a way that stirs up hatred and intolerance.

I can live with newspapers doing that, the problem is that we have a Home Secretery who makes up stuff in a way that stirs up hatred and intolerance.
What, no what, this was the paper that supported Hitler until the outbreak of hostilities in 1939, I usually ignore everything you post but this is beyond the pale, total crap! I would say more but the rules say attack the post not the poster.

Not forgetting the Zinoviev letter.
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