I don't want to be overly negative, but even after we beat Spurs last week, Levein was straight out saying that we should be worried about Sheffield Wednesday. That type of talk fills no one with confidence. His approach is almost that we should be worried about what other people are doing rather than concentrate on our own game.
We need a manager who instills fearlessness in the team. Someone who says, 'yeah we can go out and do them, lets not be frightened, lets just play our game'.
Levein doesn't instill that feeling in me. When I look at him, and I hear what he has to say after matches I just think 'bottle job'. He is too quick to sing another teams praises and look for reasons to fear them, rather than talking about his team. Often I find him to be very negative.
What is the way forward? I don't know. But it can't go on like this.
If you read these forums Tim Davies or who ever it concerns, in my opinion you are a bottle job too. You like to sit in your comfortable 100k pa job, and look like you are so hands on consulting with the fans, and considering what we all think. Grow some balls and run this club. It isn't show friends its show business! Make some tough decisions its what you are ****ing paid to do. No one wants you as a friend, we want success! (even a modest amount would do)
Put up or piss off!
Sorry for the tough talk, but I'm not afraid to mince words. This is a joke. Fifth best budget with bargain basment management.