TLF's Future : You Decide!

Should I carry on running The Leicester Fox?

  • Yeah I suppose so

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not bothered

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nah, I never visited it much

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, It was rubbish

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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After not updating for weeks I'm now thinking about stopping running my site The Leicester Fox. Its become a hassle updating after every game and sometimes I just can't be arsed. However I do enjoy running the site alot of the times and thats why I need you too decide for me.

Please vote and give a reason.

Thankyou please :wink:
We need as many fans Foxes sites as possible.
Steven said:
We need as many fans Foxes sites as possible.

Ricey what do you do all day and dont say trying to sort out your future as that should take about a day or two max.
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Steven said:
We need as many fans Foxes sites as possible.

Ricey what do you do all day and dont say trying to sort out your future as that should take about a day or two max.

Nothing at the moment, but in september I'll be going to college so between now and then I've got to find a job or something else to do. I'll probably start a IT course after Xmas.

6 months of hardcore posting Ricey, whats the beef?
Malf said:
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Steven said:
We need as many fans Foxes sites as possible.

Ricey what do you do all day and dont say trying to sort out your future as that should take about a day or two max.

Nothing at the moment, but in september I'll be going to college so between now and then I've got to find a job or something else to do. I'll probably start a IT course after Xmas.

6 months of hardcore posting Ricey, whats the beef?

Ricey said:
Malf said:
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Steven said:
We need as many fans Foxes sites as possible.

Ricey what do you do all day and dont say trying to sort out your future as that should take about a day or two max.

Nothing at the moment, but in september I'll be going to college so between now and then I've got to find a job or something else to do. I'll probably start a IT course after Xmas.

6 months of hardcore posting Ricey, whats the beef?


Why don't you post much anymore, get involved mate! Your a pillar of the community and your lack of determination on this forum is shining through! :wink: :wink:
Malf said:
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Steven said:
We need as many fans Foxes sites as possible.

Ricey what do you do all day and dont say trying to sort out your future as that should take about a day or two max.

Nothing at the moment, but in september I'll be going to college so between now and then I've got to find a job or something else to do. I'll probably start a IT course after Xmas.

6 months of hardcore posting Ricey, whats the beef?


Why don't you post much anymore, get involved mate! Your a pillar of the community and your lack of determination on this forum is shining through! :wink: :wink:
Sorry Malf :cry:

I would post more but sometimes I simply have nothing to say. Write me a article for my site and I'll post more? I think your 'unique' stlye of writing would be good for my site, it might scare people away though :?
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Steven said:
We need as many fans Foxes sites as possible.

Ricey what do you do all day and dont say trying to sort out your future as that should take about a day or two max.

Nothing at the moment, but in september I'll be going to college so between now and then I've got to find a job or something else to do. I'll probably start a IT course after Xmas.

6 months of hardcore posting Ricey, whats the beef?


Why don't you post much anymore, get involved mate! Your a pillar of the community and your lack of determination on this forum is shining through! :wink: :wink:
Sorry Malf :cry:

I would post more but sometimes I simply have nothing to say. Write me a article for my site and I'll post more? I think your 'unique' stlye of writing would be good for my site, it might scare people away though :?

Stop apologising to Malf. :twisted: It might also bring a new type of reader to your site. I would ask Malf nicely if he was willing to make a small observation about City life (a game, a signing, etc) in his usual style. Didn't you also do match reports with Scowcroft. Where have those gone?
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Ricey said:
Malf said:
Steven said:
We need as many fans Foxes sites as possible.

Ricey what do you do all day and dont say trying to sort out your future as that should take about a day or two max.

Nothing at the moment, but in september I'll be going to college so between now and then I've got to find a job or something else to do. I'll probably start a IT course after Xmas.

6 months of hardcore posting Ricey, whats the beef?


Why don't you post much anymore, get involved mate! Your a pillar of the community and your lack of determination on this forum is shining through! :wink: :wink:
Sorry Malf :cry:

I would post more but sometimes I simply have nothing to say. Write me a article for my site and I'll post more? I think your 'unique' stlye of writing would be good for my site, it might scare people away though :?

I would love to write a piece for you Ricey! I'm a little busy this afternoon but tomorrow or wednesday i'll do you a Malf classic, I need a topic you want me to write about as sometimes i'm abit clueless when the pressures on.
Ricey said:
Write about whatever you like aslong as its LCFC related, it could be a season review or whatever you want. Cheers for this Malf I really appreciate it :)

If anyone else wants to do a article or anything for my site then feel free.

I'll get one sorted for tomorrow young man. Come on!!!!!!!!!
Joe_Fox said:
Ricey said:
Cheers Malfy baby! ;)
Can I write one?

Ricey said:
Write about whatever you like aslong as its LCFC related, it could be a season review or whatever you want. Cheers for this Malf I really appreciate it

If anyone else wants to do a article or anything for my site then feel free.
Ricey said:
Cheers Malfy baby! ;)

I hope i'm in better shape tomorrow mentally, because today I feel like i'm struggling in all areas and I want to be in my peak to create a best of a story for your site! I'm gonna do a step by step review to every City player this season, so I wanna make sure i'm in good spirits otherwise i'll out unecessary pressure on myself and not be happy with the outcome.

Whats your views on my language? Shall I cut out the swearing? Or is that going to take the edge off it? I personally think allow some swearing, but i'll limit it where I can!!
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