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Milan Mandaric Official Statement

Issued at noon on Tuesday, February 13, 2007.

"It is an honour and a privilege that the shareholders have accepted my offer to take control of Leicester City Football Club.

I would like to extend my wholehearted thanks to the shareholders for their immense trust and support as we now embark on a new era in the life of the club.

It goes without saying that I have untold respect for the former custodians of this club who stepped in at time when it's very future hung in the balance.

I am under no illusions that this is a massive challenge and my primary aim is to take a club that has immensely underachieved in recent years back to its rightful place in top-flight football.

I will apply immense experience, enthusiasm and financial support to ensure we achieve our goals but it's important to point out that success will only be achieved if unity prevails throughout the club.

Following my emotional departure from Portsmouth last year I had no desire to make an immediate return to football. But when this opportunity arose it proved extremely difficult to ignore.

At times this has proved to be a long and frustrating process but the incredible and overwhelming support from the club's fans gave me the energy to see this through to a conclusion.

The hard work begins now though with the immediate short-term priority to preserve our Championship status and once that is achieved we can build towards future success.

Remember 24 teams harbour the same dreams as us and only three will meet with success.

And I can assure you that if I don't take this club up in a three year period I will view that as failure and that is a word that nobody associates with me."

Tickets remain on general sale for Saturday's Championship clash against Coventry City at the Walkers Stadium.,,10274~981006,00.html
its already on the OS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :038: :038:

thank you milan, you are my new hero
Mandaric Welcomed To Leicester City

Chief Executive Tim Davies welcomed Milan Mandaric to Leicester City today and said it heralded the dawn of a new era for the Foxes.

Mandaric was unveiled at a Walkers Stadium press conference at lunchtime after assuming effective control of the club following shareholders' acceptance of his offer to purchase the club.

Mandaric comes on board exactly four years to the day that the club was officially taken out of administration in 2003.

And Davies said that the day promised to be every bit as important in the club's history.

Davies said: "This is the dawn of a new era for the football club.

"Shareholders have voted to accept Milan's offer for the club and this promises to be a most exciting new time in our history.

"Our existing shareholders saved the club by bringing it out of administration in 2003.

"Now they feel it is right to pass on ownership of the club to Milan as he is best placed to take the club forward."

Today's announcement brings an end to discussions which have continued for several months.

And Davies explained that the agreement had been reached as speedily as was practically possible - given the complexities of the agreement.

"All of us can fully sympathise with the frustrations felt by our supporters during this process," he added.

"Those same frustrations were felt by shareholders too but these agreements invariably have a habit of taking much longer than can be imagined.

"The shareholders' desire to complete the deal can be best summed in the amount of time it took to formally accept Milan's offer.

"The final offer document was only distributed at the end of last week. For the bid to be accepted, we required 75 per cent acceptance.

"Within a matter of 48 hours we had surpassed that significantly."

Davies said that all Foxes fans could now look forward to the future with renewed confidence.

"We know that the past few months have not been easy times for everyone connected with the club," he said.

"Now that cloud of uncertainty has been lifted and we can all plan for the future with renewed optimism.

"I'm sure that today's announcement will give the whole of the City and the County of Leicestershire a major lift."

Tickets remain on general sale for Saturday's Championship clash against Coventry City at the Walkers Stadium.,,10274~980972,00.html
Milan Mandaric Official Statement

Issued at noon on Tuesday, February 13, 2007.

"It is an honour and a privilege that the shareholders have accepted my offer to take control of Leicester City Football Club.

I would like to extend my wholehearted thanks to the shareholders for their immense trust and support as we now embark on a new era in the life of the club.

It goes without saying that I have untold respect for the former custodians of this club who stepped in at time when it's very future hung in the balance.

I am under no illusions that this is a massive challenge and my primary aim is to take a club that has immensely underachieved in recent years back to its rightful place in top-flight football.

I will apply immense experience, enthusiasm and financial support to ensure we achieve our goals but it's important to point out that success will only be achieved if unity prevails throughout the club.

Following my emotional departure from Portsmouth last year I had no desire to make an immediate return to football. But when this opportunity arose it proved extremely difficult to ignore.

At times this has proved to be a long and frustrating process but the incredible and overwhelming support from the club's fans gave me the energy to see this through to a conclusion.

The hard work begins now though with the immediate short-term priority to preserve our Championship status and once that is achieved we can build towards future success.

Remember 24 teams harbour the same dreams as us and only three will meet with success.

And I can assure you that if I don't take this club up in a three year period I will view that as failure and that is a word that nobody associates with me."

Tickets remain on general sale for Saturday's Championship clash against Coventry City at the Walkers Stadium.,00.html

:038: :038: :038: :038: :038:

well done leigh for posting it first
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