Well-Known Member
I think Cambs might have a point here.As I say, it sounds like your mind is made up though, so I’m not sure the report will change that, no matter what it says.
If you’re asking me if, in principle, I agree with a policy like this, even though it doesn’t greatly affect me, then I agree with you I’d like to see some greener policies come in. We rely on our elected officials to make choices as to which of these to pursue, so that’s where we’re at, I guess. If it turns out to be a disaster, then I suspect it’ll turn out badly for him, but this was a policy introduced by a Conservative mayor, backed by a Conservative PM at the time and carried on and expanded by a Labour mayor, so it would seem to be a policy that both main parties support and is therefore likely to continue.
At times when money is tight for people it shouldn’t really be the priority of a government to chase expensive policies that have negligible net impact on the economy (and damaging it in some cases) without proof there is a significant health risk.
I would rather see us invest billions into renewable energies than forcing Londoners to buy shiny new boxes with lithium batteries in.