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has john barber said any names?

As he said GM 2 weeks before it happened.

thr guy winds me up, but he seemed to know.
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Georgina Best has a 100% record so far. Her info was right about GM and she is widely tipping Newell from the same source. In racing circles you keep backing a horse until it loses. :102:

whoooooooooooooooo? and if you have a link that would be interesting.:icon_wink
Do you have some reservations about Newell, then?
*I loved the way he used to complain at Luton that he was being "forced" to sell his best players. I loved it even more when I found out he was getting a percentage of every transfer fee for every sale Luton made.

No bloody wonder he was selling the best players, they commanded more money.

* in light of recent happenings on the Sheffield Wednesday fora, I would like to add that I don't know if any of the above is true, I'm not in position of any facts, and certainly wouldn't wish to tarnish Mr Newell's good name within the trade :icon_lol:
I'd be happy with Newell. Did good things with Luton and had it sadly undone by his own board who sold his best players from under him.
*I loved the way he used to complain at Luton that he was being "forced" to sell his best players. I loved it even more when I found out he was getting a percentage of every transfer fee for every sale Luton made.

No bloody wonder he was selling the best players, they commanded more money.

* in light of recent happenings on the Sheffield Wednesday fora, I would like to add that I don't know if any of the above is true, I'm not in position of any facts, and certainly wouldn't wish to tarnish Mr Newell's good name within the trade :icon_lol:

Nice disclaimer:icon_lol:
Nice disclaimer:icon_lol:

Mmmmmm - I hope so for Melt's sake.

I do sometimes wonder whether people are putting themselves slightly at risk.

I think it's much safer to just consistently seek to undermine successive City managers as soon as they fail to win a couple of matches. Seems to work too!
We Dont Want Newell............... Fcuk Off Newell And Leave Us Alone
I would rather keep Burrows and taggs on than have Reid, Newell or Royal.
Wouldn't particuarly mind Newell here, think he would do well. And I have liked him ever since his top-class, hilarious quotes about that Amy Raynor!!! What a legend.
Wouldn't particuarly mind Newell here, think he would do well. And I have liked him ever since his top-class, hilarious quotes about that Amy Raynor!!! What a legend.

you mean what a cnut, or what a wanker surely?
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