Levein said in the post match that Smith asked to be subbed as well.
I've not read many posts so far so hopefully I'm not repeating anyone.
I don't really see how Levein can take the blame for this one though, I doubt he teaches the wall to be static in training, or Rab to throw the ball out into a crowded penalty area. After they scored in the first half I thought we played as well as I've seen us play all season.
I do wonder what people expected this season when I see some of the hysteria (mainly on the other forum I hasten to add) surrounding this result, Watford are 3rd and we showed that we can outplay them even when they had 11 men. I know you'll say 'why don't we do that all the time then?' and you can take it in that way, but I think the reason we don't is partly down to confidence, partly down to a new side, partly down to a young side and partly down to an ever-changing side. Only one of those things can Levein really do anything about, the rest are settled with time. Not the most attractive answer but that's what it is.
Call me naive if you like but I don't think we'll get relegated this season, we won't get promoted, we'll have the base of a good side to start with next season (whereas the last couple of close seasons we've had about 10 in 10 out, I imagine it'll just be 2 or 3 this close season) and that from my point of view is when the pressure will be on Levein.
If he survives people's impatience this season of course.