Weso bust his leg

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Hazzman said:
I feel gutted. That a young lad can be have his footballing career in jeopardy. Lets hope hes determined and its not as bad as orignally though.

Weso I may sound a puff but I will prey for you.

I will pray for him also! Careful about the way you spell prey/pray...I think weso has been preyed on enough for one day:icon_lol: ;) :(
SilverFox said:
Met a lot of Celtic fans tonight and I have to say that they were all very well mannered and aside from the incident I really enjoyed the game. Good luck in your Champions league game next week.

I just pray that Weso recovers. He has massive potential but this is equally a massive setback! Balde is a disgrace!

I couldn't make it down tonight but watched the game on Celtic TV. We were pish, really bad. All the things that were bad about the O'Neill Era seem to have continued and you were undoubtedly the better team.

Bobo was out of order but I can honestly say that I doubt there was any intent whatsoever. This is the first time he's seriously injured someone and I hope it's the last.
I hope he does come back and becomes more determined. From what Levein said it needs to be pinned, not good news. The upside is at least its not a shattered leg.

It will be interesting to see how either parties react after tonights events.
fcukcov said:
It is bad what happened but I would like to think that no player goes out there on the pitch to intentionally hurt another player.
But it was OK when Walshie was doing it...:038:
Hazzman said:
I hope he does come back and becomes more determined. From what Levein said it needs to be pinned, not good news. The upside is at least its not a shattered leg.

It will be interesting to see how either parties react after tonights events.

If the medics did their job and it was a fairly clean break it will heal up fine and just as strong. The only problem with it being pinned is that it takes a lot longer to heal (probably) I would say thats him gone for most of the season! If we also don't have Hughes or Kisnorbo the words S*it and Street spring to mind!

I'll ask my missus for a low down on breaks tomorrow! She is a surgeon and knows all about these types of gory things! Sometimes I feel quite weird about being with someone who hacks people up for a living! Must be like being married to Balde:icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_lol:
Evening lads & lassies,sorry to hear that the young australian boy has a broken leg,hope the young fella makes a full recovery.Balde was out of order with that tackle the guy is a feckin liability and the vast majority of us are cursing our luck that bayern(yes bayern munich,they were interested in him:eek: ) did not relieve us of this lumbering numpty that we are now stuck with him creaming us for £30k a week:mad:
Hooped_Avenger said:
Evening lads & lassies,sorry to hear that the young australian boy has a broken leg,hope the young fella makes a full recovery.Balde was out of order with that tackle the guy is a feckin liability and the vast majority of us are cursing our luck that bayern(yes bayern munich,they were interested in him:eek: ) did not relieve us of this lumbering numpty that we are now stuck with him creaming us for £30k a week:mad:

Nice of you to come on here and say that. As I said, I spoke to a long of you guys tonight and you are a great bunch of fans...You are welcome down here any time...Just leave the Animals at home ey?
One of my mates (who is admittedly a Ranger fan) said he wasn't suprised Balde did something like that. He said he's just a thug and would be more at home in WWE than on a football pitch.

He should get a ****ing huge fine for it, and we should get the money!
Graz said:
One of my mates (who is admittedly a Ranger fan) said he wasn't suprised Balde did something like that. He said he's just a thug and would be more at home in WWE than on a football pitch.

He should get a ****ing huge fine for it, and we should get the money!

Not a thug, but can tends to be clumsly in the tackle sometimes. He's a nice big guy though and I'm sure he'll apologise.
fcukcov said:
i agree with that silver its a good point. and an apology from Balde to the young lad wouldnt go a miss but I wont be expecting much more. Its very unfortunate but lets just hope its not as serious as first thought and that he can make a speedy recovery.

He must of known he'd seriously hurt him as soon as it happened. But he didnt even show any remorse what so ever, the least he could of done was get up and call on ST Johns or at the very least ask him if he was ok. He did neither.
Fox Fan said:
He must of known he'd seriously hurt him as soon as it happened. But he didnt even show any remorse what so ever, the least he could of done was get up and call on ST Johns or at the very least ask him if he was ok. He did neither.

Balde did actually go over to him along with Petrov to ask if he was OK.
My missus says it will be 4-6 weeks in plaster...pins or not, and anything up to 12 months of rehabilitation for an injury of this kind.

She also said that she has seen sports people not come back from this. There comes a certain kind of psychological blow with an injury of this type. Weso might not want to put himself in a position where this type of thing could happen again...thus he wouldn't be the same player. I'd like to castrate Balde!!!
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The only problem with pinning a leg is that the don't advise u to play with it, because if you break it again the two possibilities are that you shatter the tibia (which is i think what he broke) or you bend the metal. Either way it would be a career ending injury. They usually pin it to allow the person to weight-bear on it straight away. The time it takes to heal is usually shorter not longer but they will probably have to go throught the bottom of his knee and remove it the same way. He will probably be able to place football in 8 to 12 months. Cisse had a worse injury last year and came back in the latter half of the season. More of a psych. injury to be honest and you lose that competative edge if you are not careful.
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SilverFox said:
If you want to, then send any cards/well wishes to

LCFC Training Ground
Middlesex Road

Thanks for that. ;)
Absolutely gutted for Weso, it was the first time I had seen him play and I thought he really looked the business, I may be going over the top here but reminded me of Lennon, and for a player of his age he had amazing confidence and character, I have felt numb all day today, but hopefully if Weso displays the same attitude and determination off the pitch as he does on it he will overcome this terrible injury and hopefully make a full recovery.
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