Well-Known Member
Quite possible as I am an ASPIE! Sorry!
Ummm in answer to your question .....................I HAVE READ THE BOOK from cover to cover, actually BOOK (S), I could happily pm you with a shortened version if you require..............just so you know I am telling the truth...............which aspies are renowned for anyway!
I can also point you in the right direction to obtain it should you wish?
WHAT! Since when? True, depending upon the severity, some sufferers (sorry you haven't provided me with an alternative yet, I'm guessing celebrators isn't appropriate) lack certain social eticate skills and say exactly how they feel, but one sufferer of my very close aquaintance makes up more bullshit than Innocent on a daily basis, we never know what he is going to come out with next. Though I'm sure there would have been a chapter (or maybe even a whole book) in Innocents published library to cover this supposed "unusual" aspergers sufferer