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Who Will Be The Next Player To Sign?

  • Carsley

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hutchison

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Baird

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I would have thought Makin. Mickey says he wants to sign him, I would have thought they must of talked terms before he agreed to come on trial. Should be very quick and straight forward I would have thought. Then again when has anything been straight forward at the City! :)
makin and carsley...

what's the big fuss about partridge, i really don't get it, he was nowhere near the liverpool team and apart from that one goal against us when he ran the non=existent legs off taggart he didn't exactly set the world aligh with covscum. he could be crap for all we know...

would like to see makin and carsley as i think they would be two solid additions...
londonfox said:
makin and carsley...

what's the big fuss about partridge, i really don't get it, he was nowhere near the liverpool team and apart from that one goal against us when he ran the non=existent legs off taggart he didn't exactly set the world aligh with covscum. he could be crap for all we know...

would like to see makin and carsley as i think they would be two solid additions...

richie is amazing on championship mamanger, so he must be good.
I was assuming Makin was signing anyway
If he is one of the "mystery two" then I'll be a bit disappointed as I was expecting Makin + 2 more

if the other is Hutchinson, however, I will cry like a baby
If the "two" are Makin and Gemmill I will be well miffed. Hardly a mystery are they ?
homer said:
If the "two" are Makin and Gemmill I will be well miffed. Hardly a mystery are they ?

he may have meant mistry pair who play for east bengal? :roll:
marcus bent said:
none of them except makin

I am not winding you up here Marcus, is the Carsley deal dead then :?:
You seemed very sure before, what happened. :(
Naughty Fox said:
marcus bent said:
none of them except makin

I am not winding you up here Marcus, is the Carsley deal dead then :?:
You seemed very sure before, what happened. :(

Hes probably too busy coaching the first team and writing for The Telegraph to answer. :lol:
marcus bent said:
lazzer said:
ball in one hand parker pen in the other :lol: :lol:

no it is done on computer

So go get your coat and i'll call you a taxi

I do know however I am not going to say don't think they will be completed this week but they could be as negociations have moved on further I am preparing articles on the two mystery players which I will post when they sign to prove I know

good job is with that kind of spelling :roll:
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