Forrest fans always amuse me.
For some reason they are quick to play down any type of rivalry with us, but only while it suits them.
Take for example the cup match we played last year. We happily gave them a one goal head start and they still managed to lose. In the immediate aftermath all I heard from Forrest fans I knew was that it didn't matter because we were not rivals.
I can't remember preceisely how many years Forrest were in league one, but I know that it was for a reasonable period of time. Not because I was actively keeping tabs on where Forrest were and how they were doing, but because for some reason or other their fans haven't been on our forums.
So much so that I almost forgot they had won the European title back when the dead sea was only sick. It will be nice to be reminded again of their past success. I think we had all forgotten because it would seem that Forrest disappeared completely off our radar.
The good news is that they can now resume trading on their ancient successes once again, if they ever stopped. Trouble is,that it is just too hard to tell. It has been such a long time since we last heard from them. Perhaps it shame that kept them away?
I for one am not f*cked where Leicester are right now because I still take pride in them. I won't be appearing on any Forrest forums to tell them that, nor will I be appearing on any of their forums in the future. What is the point. They may not be able to read anything that I have written unless it begins with 'European' and 'Title'.
Go back to your little world my Forrest friend. No one is wound up by you. Besides if you don't dissapear now your village may replace you with another idiot.