Women's Euro 2005

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Get a room you two. :roll:
Why would I want to do that when it is all out in the open now :?: :roll:
comedy of the year 2005 early contender

it is a bit like watching jordan as in they can't do two things right in a row e.g beat a player then trouble row BB with the cross

Was in hysterics sow much had to switch over to hollyoaks
asheslcfc said:
comedy of the year 2005 early contender

it is a bit like watching jordan as in they can't do two things right in a row e.g beat a player then trouble row BB with the cross

Was in hysterics sow much had to switch over to hollyoaks

But I love watching Jordan........


homer said:
asheslcfc said:
comedy of the year 2005 early contender

it is a bit like watching jordan as in they can't do two things right in a row e.g beat a player then trouble row BB with the cross

Was in hysterics sow much had to switch over to hollyoaks

But I love watching Jordan........



thanks i was beginning to wonder about u homer but now you've answered all my questions :p
I know women's football has it's knockers (I thank you) but I watched the England game earlier in the week and was greatly impressed by the cracking pair up top (thank you again), who combined on a number of occasions to whip the crowd into a frenzy. I was also impressed by the strong rearguard action (!). So for me womens football is ok and a valuable sport oh and by the way that Rachel Unitt is fit as fook and well worth a dabble.
I know women's football has it's knockers (I thank you) but I watched the England game earlier in the week and was greatly impressed by the cracking pair up top (thank you again), who combined on a number of occasions to whip the crowd into a frenzy. I was also impressed by the strong rearguard action (!). So for me womens football is ok and a valuable sport oh and by the way that Rachel Unitt is fit as fook and well worth a dabble.
you missed that one but still a good use of puns :lol:
The game v Sweden was a joke in my opinion. Our right back was possibly the most useless player I've seen in many a year (Scott I think her surname was).

I don't agree with the principle that male & females should be able to play together, just as I don't support the view they should compete against each other in other sports. I'm sure the feminist faction will disagree but it would add no worth to anyone.

The top women in a sport do not reach the same levels as the top men and the same applies as you move down the ladder. The best female players would play (based on the quality I've seen) in the Vauxhall Conference at best, and the players below that standard would filter through the leagues at the appropriate levels.

Basically this would mean that the female sport & the female players would lose attraction/attention for what it is as the majority of spectators watch the top 4 divisions.

No matter what people say the facts prove that women can't match mens sporting performance even over a prolonged period of time eg. Women sprinters/athletes train with men throughout the close season & season, having the same benefits of science, diet etc, and yet they are still a second or 2 behind the men.

Women and men are split for historical reasons i grant, but there is no reasonable fact to support the view they should be merged. By splitting men & women, money is put into both male & Female sports and competitions and tv rights are split. If they were allowed to compete together the best players & teams would get the most money as they do now and that (as science has proved) would be the men/male teams.

And as for using Perugia as an example of a woman joining for her ability, I suggest you look closer into the reasons behind that 'transfer' and into the past history of the Perugia President in terms of controversy and publicity.
The Women's Euro Champs. are played at u16 schoolboy level. ;-)
drummindefender said:
Steven said:
The Women's Euro Champs. are played at u16 schoolboy level. ;-)
i wonder how you know about that :roll:

:smt018 Don't skate on thin ice. :eek:
eh lads nd lass's to be honest i think u all have a rong opinion of womens footie, i play myself actully and im hopin to make it at a high standerd and im half way there after plain for an acadamy with a 3 year scholarship and gettin paid every game and week. so before you slag off women and how crap it is nd all, think about it first nd stop chattin out of ur arses and just apreciate women's footie is gettin bigger and bigger each year so u either suport us or fook off nd stop slagin us off. :-x
DurhamFox said:
clearly not an academic sholarship too.

Obviously went to the same English classes as you and your mate Matt Heath........
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