Apparently we are a disgrace.......

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I take exception to your article about Leicester City and managers. You are right when you say the club has done nothing wrong and to be honest clubs and managers have taken advantage of the situation to further their own agendas.

You'll find that QPR have used us to "sack" a manager they didn't want. Steve Cotterill has used us to get himself a nice fat contract and Mike Newell has used us as a lever for assurances about investments in his squad and a new stadium. I'm pretty sure that Leicester have not publicised the approaches they made... so who did? Think about it for a moment and withdraw your accusations that we are a disgrace..

EMC Fox said:

I take exception to your article about Leicester City and managers. You are right when you say the club has done nothing wrong and to be honest clubs and managers have taken advantage of the situation to further their own agendas.

You'll find that QPR have used us to "sack" a manager they didn't want. Steve Cotterill has used us to get himself a nice fat contract and Mike Newell has used us as a lever for assurances about investments in his squad and a new stadium. I'm pretty sure that Leicester have not publicised the approaches they made... so who did? Think about it for a moment and withdraw your accusations that we are a disgrace..


Very good. Make sure you send this and let us know if you get a response.........
Dear Chris,

Shut up singing that "to the beat of the rythym of the night" rubbish and let me get a word in please.

I think you are a (unt with a capital W. I have heard you commentating on Leicester city matches and if I am honest, your biased in commentary is also reflected in the views in your article. Your attitude does not surprise me at all, but what you fail to let us know is the correct way to approach a new manager. How would you do it? Oh, of course you wouldn't know would you, you were a mediocre footballer that disappeared immediatley after the final whistle was blown and your playing career was over.

It wasn't until a few years later that you returned when most of the people that thought you were a (unt back then have moved on to selling properties, owning chains of restaurants, nightclubs etc and generally being successful in other avenues. Well let me tell you, you moustachioed twat, we can see through you. There is no room for you in professional football, so what do you do?. You sit in a gantry when the match is too inferior for that Scottish twat Gray to comment on and pretend to be him, you are a minnow, and the only way for a minnow to gain attention, is with it's mouth and not it's actions.

Prove yourself Kuntmara. What is the saying? "Those that can, do. Those that can't talk about it"

I thank you for your time and attention to my letter, and look forward to somebody hitting you over the head with a bat of some description emblazened with the letters LCFC.

Melton Fox
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Let's face it he's never going to like Leicester;

Chris Kamara, a disciplinary nightmare as a player, and the first English footballer actually to be prosecuted, in 1988, for an on-field assault on a fellow professional, ex-Leicester City’s Jim Melrose. A Kamara elbow shattered the Scot’s cheekbone.
First 3 paragraphs.......

Kamara: What Leicester City have done is nothing short of shocking.

TVFA: Whys that Chris?

Kamara: To have upset all these managers, in perfectly good jobs already, the way they have is just wrong and the people in charge at the Walkers Stadium should be ashamed.

TVFA: Which managers have we upset? I am certain that all of the managers we have approached would feel quite proud that they have been 'headhunted' by another championship club. I would be very pleased if another organisation approached my boss and asked for permission to speak to me. I would be very happy also if, as a result of this, i was given a pay rise or reassurances about my future. If my boss put me on gardening leave because of this approach i would blame my boss and not the organisation who spoke to him about speaking to me.

Kamara: It is nothing short of unbelievable. They have gone about things in completely the wrong way, it's as simple as that.

TVFA: But why Chris? You still havn't explained yourself.....What would you do? Remember we are in grave danger of being relegated to the third tier of the English league for the first time in our history....
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EMC Fox said:

I take exception to your article about Leicester City and managers. You are right when you say the club has done nothing wrong and to be honest clubs and managers have taken advantage of the situation to further their own agendas.

You'll find that QPR have used us to "sack" a manager they didn't want. Steve Cotterill has used us to get himself a nice fat contract and Mike Newell has used us as a lever for assurances about investments in his squad and a new stadium. I'm pretty sure that Leicester have not publicised the approaches they made... so who did? Think about it for a moment and withdraw your accusations that we are a disgrace..


Quality letter!

Sensible response to his article!! :038: :038: :038:

It will also probably have more of an effect then calling him nasty words!
Maybe someone should email Time Davies and see what he and the LCFC lawyers have to say about Chris and his slanderous comments.
FOOK HIM!!! this is football, its a game of survival, not just on the pitch either.
personally as long as leicester are ok then i dont give a shit about the other clubs ... the same as they wouldnt give a shit about us.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

weve had a couple of managers poached or unsettled by other clubs in the past, and no doubt it will happen again in the future. so mr kamara fooking do one. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
quite funny really. i mean how have we acted disgracefully????

our club have not commented on anything other than Rob Kelly, its all the other clubs and managers alike using our name to get what they want out of their own little scanario. i hope he has to issue an apology and admit he is a obnoxious little fcukstick atop shitspread on toast.
what an absolute prick. his knowledge of how to appoint a manager is about as impressive as his 30 year old appearance.

hope he's at a leicester game soon the fooooker. maybe his hatred is something to do with the fact the nob works with wisey the little cuunt
just sent this as a reply to Chris :)

Hello Chris

I was just wondering how you think a manager is appointed in the modern day, and I am not being specific to a football manager I am talking in a general sense; after all football managers and business managers are in principal the same thing. You see I believe that there is a process called interviews and approaches. This is where the employers in question get possible candidates in one after another and try to work out based on these interviews and talks who is the most desirable candidate. In case you have not already realised, I write this in reply to your extremely unfounded and very unprofessional comments about Leicester cities approach for various managers.
You see I find it difficult having read your whole article (or drivle, whichever you feel applies) to find out exactly where Leicester city have strayed from the above description of hiring a manager. Maybe you were struggling for articles to justify your wages :) or maybe it descends deeper to your personal feelings about Leicester. Either way maybe it would be worth you, as a journalist, researching into the fact that all 3 managers you have mentioned have benefited at their own clubs from Leicester’s approach. And QPR used city as a great way to get rid of a manager without compensation. Maybe next time some thought should be put into what you write, after all you do have a lot of time on your hands.

Matthew Lakin, Blue through and through
My draft email...

Dear Mr Kamara,

I thought I would take this opportunity to email you regarding your latest article published on the sky sport website "FOXES HUNT IS A DISGRACE". The only disgrace is that you are allowed to make such comments about a club, when you are quite clearing not in full possession of the facts!!

You start by saying "To have upset all these managers, in perfectly good jobs already, the way they have is just wrong and the people in charge at the Walkers Stadium should be ashamed."

How exactly, are any of the mangers upset over us enquiring about them for the position of LCFC manager. Cotterill will get a nice new contract, Newell the same. These managers used the situation to their own advantage and have only gained by our enquiry. There is of course Holloway but I will get to him shortly.

You then go on "It is nothing short of unbelievable. They have gone about things in completely the wrong way, it's as simple as that. If you need a manager, you do not ask Burnley for permission to speak to Steve Cotterill, then ask QPR if it's OK to speak to Ian Holloway and then go to Luton to see if you can speak to Mike Newell."

Let me get this correct, you are saying if you get refused permission to speak to a manager, you should then not bother asking anyone else. If so how exactly would we get a new manager?

The facts are we approached, Burnley and got refused. We then approached Preston and got refused. We then asked to speak to the managers of QPR and Luton. All approaches were made at different times, these stories didn't all pop out into the press at the same time. One came after another because we kept getting refused. You make it sound as if we sat down and contacted 5 clubs in one go.

If anything you should be praising the way the Leicester board acted. When we were refused, we moved onto a different target. We didn't use underhand tactics to try and make the managers walk out. This seems to be common practice these day. Even in your article you suggested an illegal approach was the best method. I quote "You have a board meeting, you single out your preferred target and then you make your approach to the football club. or to the manager's agent"

Now we come on Holloway, you say "The only outcome that could possibly remove the bitter taste from the mouth is that Ian Holloway ends up as manager as Leicester City Football Club. If he doesn't, he will find himself out of work, that's the bottom line. And because of the way they have done things, that will be Leicester City's fault. Not Ian Holloway's. Not even Gianni Paladini's.

Yes the LCFC board made contact and wanted to speak to him. If after speaking to him they believe what he had to say isn't good enough, that is there prerogative. Should we just give him the job because we feel sorry for him? I really don't think so, maybe you should look at the league table and see why this is such a crucial decision for LCFC.

How you can say it would be our fault is beyond me. You even point out later on that the chairman was looking to get rid of him. Ask any QPR fan and they will tell you all about their chairman. The two parties involved didn't get on, and by all accounts the chairman had been looking for an opportunity to get rid.

I'm starting to wonder if this is just bitterness coming out, due to the fact your application got thrown in the bin the moment it arrived. I'm sure Tim Davies the Chief Exec of LCFC will be in contact with you shortly asking you to go into you allegations in detail.

Yours Sincerely
I must admit he does have a point. I dont remember the appointment of a manager being such a farce as it has been here. Or at any club i know of.
sildenafil said:
I must admit he does have a point. I dont remember the appointment of a manager being such a farce as it has been here. Or at any club i know of.

:icon_roll :018:
sildenafil said:
I must admit he does have a point. I dont remember the appointment of a manager being such a farce as it has been here. Or at any club i know of.

Because other clubs don't walk away when a Chairman says NO. They wait, contact the manager behind their backs. Trying to get it to the point where the manager quits.

What we have done is respect the fact the club has said no and moved onto our next target.

How often has a club in the relegation zone ever tried to get a manager from a team in the top half of the division, especially this late in the season. What we are doing is pretty unprecedented. Hence the fact we are getting nos from chairman and managers alike.
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