Re: Bristol city Pre-Match Thread
Stole this from BBC 606...........
“So Ollie how’s the season gone so far?” Great mate flippin bril’ chuffed as a badger me. I just signed Etuhu from Man City. Ol’ Penrice thought it wer’ Desmond from Africa! What a prat he is, a right numpty! – all laugh at Ollie –
“And what are you going to cook up for us today?”
Well Ainsley, glad you asked me that to be honest coz I’m gonna make a right f*3k up today. No, not really, - all laugh at Ollie, again! - I’ve already done that one! It may seem a bit strange this, but it’s called “shooting oneself in the foot”
“Emm! interesting Ollie. So how much did you spend on your goody bag?” Well me ol cocker it were 10 mil’ according to Milan’s reckonin’
“Bit over priced but what have we got in it then Ollie?” Overpriced Ainsley? your 'aving a laugh, – dearer, dearer me where did they get you from geezer?
I got me self sum Ripe Oakley, which me mate Penny reckons should be stuffed in the middle. Then I got two vegetables called Hayles and Howard and gave them 60 mins on top shelf and waited for somat to ‘appen. Now I fought to myself this needs a sprinklin’ wiv sumfin foreign so I put a bit of Hungarian on each side o the plate for a bit o dressin’ don’t do much but looks good. After that bit I tried a bit of Hendry to compliment the Oakley but me Clemence kept ruining the flavour of it all but you can’t leave Clem out of a good F@8k up can you?
Anyway you put it all together in a blue wrapper and give it 45 minutes, let it cool for 15 mins before returning it to the pressure cooker. When it looks well and truly flat you Fryatt it for the last 5 and pray to God that sumat ‘appens.
When you withdraw it you then tell everyone how unlucky you were and that some how it all went wrong coz the oven was crap. Punters love it though, they will lap up every bit of it then I will do the same again next week! Bril ay?
Served hot or cold wiv a half full glass of optimism it will still leave a bad taste
Bril’ Ollie bril’ Is he real?”