That's my take too. This wasn't an error of judgement. They knew it was wrong from the get go. Perez knew he shouldn't be thinking it, suggesting it. Others knew it wasn't allowed should have been saying 'no way' and telling Perez he was being a fool. The youngsters maybe get cut a little slack because kids can be dicks, but Wes Morgan... words fail me, to say he should not only have known better but also be setting the example - well, understatement of the year. The suggestion, whoever it came from, should have shot down in flames before it became anything.
No, they knew but simply didn't care. Flagrant is the word I believe.
But 'as bad as Wise'? That's maybe going a bit far for me and I'm not quite there (yet?) But then I loathe Wise and always did so it's easier for me to pile in on the argument. With our Covid 5, I had no ill will in the bank for them - so I feel huge disappointment before any anger. But, yes, arguably their collected action of breathtaking selfish ignorance and arrogance IS worse than one man's cowardly thuggery and spiteful vendetta that followed it.